Absentee Mother: A Reflection & Mother’s Day

Absentee Mother: A Reflection & Mother’s Day As I reflect on the situation with the biological mother, it astounds me that she has never fulfilled her role as a mother or grandmother to her children and their offspring. It’s hard for me to even imagine not experiencing the love and bond of being a mother […]

Biological Mother Drama

Biological Mother Drama I’ve been quiet lately, busy with my life outside of this blog and the drama involving the biological mother and her daughter. But I feel like I need to update everyone on what has been happening. The biological mother has driven by my house three times now, each time being seen by […]

Online Stalking and Trolling

Online Stalking and Trolling Denise, would you like me to share the evidence of you and your daughter stalking and harassing me on social media? I have records of every person who has visited my Facebook and website, including your names and locations. It seems like your Roger Rabbit daughter has been snooping around a […]

Lost Writing Unveils Truths

Lost Writing Unveils Truths I stumbled upon something I had started writing back in February 2008 and found it on my hard drive. It’s interesting to see that it’s the same topic I’ve been discussing recently, yet the biological mother is accusing me of lying. I’ll share the photos of what I wrote back in […]

Have you ever just wished you had different parents?

Have you ever just wished you had different parents? Have you ever wished for different parents? When it comes to my biological father, I can’t say I feel that way. Despite only knowing him briefly, I never could bring myself to hate him. I understood why he couldn’t be a part of my life because […]

Biomother’s Lies

Biomother’s Lies   I have been quiet for a while about the biological mother and her daughter. But yesterday, I received screenshots from someone she knows, informing me that she was talking about me again. It’s funny how the biological mother thinks everyone is lying about what she has done to others, including my family […]


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