Biological Mother Drama

Biological Mother Drama

I’ve been quiet lately, busy with my life outside of this blog and the drama involving the biological mother and her daughter. But I feel like I need to update everyone on what has been happening. The biological mother has driven by my house three times now, each time being seen by someone. And it makes me wonder, why is she driving on my small road? Before anyone jumps to say that it’s a public road, let me clarify something. This road doesn’t lead to her house; in fact, she would always take Old Camden Road from her house and then turn onto my road. The only reason for her to come up and down my road on her days off would be to harass me and my family. It’s clear that she just wants to make herself known and cause trouble for us. So please tell me who is causing DRAMA?

One of the positives about living here is the tight-knit community and our watchful neighbors, who are familiar with the cars that belong to my biological mother, her spouse, and their daughter: two SUVs, two trucks, and a motorcycle. This area has been owned by multiple families for generations, so everyone looks out for each other. It’s comforting to have such supportive neighbors, something that’s rare these days. As it turns out, not only do I have surveillance cameras on my property, but so do my neighbors. Their cameras also captured footage of my biological mother and her family driving by on three separate occasions. It makes me wonder why. If they supposedly moved on from us, why are they still coming by my house? They may post memes about moving on, but their actions suggest otherwise. They seem fixated on driving by our house multiple times; that doesn’t sound like moving on to me. Not just that but driving 36 miles out of their way to come by my house. 

Just two days ago, you shared a post that is shown in the screenshots below. In it, you talked about how hateful people, even family members, go out of their way to disrespect and lie about you. You shared a meme that said “Distance is my new answer to disrespect. I no longer argue, I no longer dive into drama, I simply remove my presence. This is my peace.” You even commented on your own post saying “ABSOLUTELY!” So why not take your own advice? The biological mother in this situation always behaves like this – constantly talking behind others’ backs but being nice to their faces. I don’t need to name names because her people watch what I write as well. It’s sad because they will end up getting hurt just like I have with her; when you don’t do what she wants, she turns evil and starts spreading lies about you. But let me say this: I am 54 years old and have never been charged with any crimes – ever! However, her daughter has been charged with multiple offenses, including shoplifting, and her grandson has been charged with contributing to the delinquencies of a minor and possession of an open container of alcohol and murder. She claims her daughter and grandson stole money from her purse that she had hidden inside and then they lied about it to her face. How do I know this? Because she called me one night upset about them stealing her money. But my question is this: who raised them to be the way they are? Whose fault is it that they are both troublesome individuals in society? Hers!

On May 3rd, 2024, the biological mother took to Facebook once again to post about her daughter’s birthday. However, instead of a celebratory message, she used this opportunity to attack me. I have proof of her changing the post three times. She proceeded to make false accusations about me stealing photos from her that she had brought over to my house. She complained about “many printed pictures” of her family that were allegedly stolen from her and never returned. Her posts reveal a lot about her character and how she manipulates situations for pity and sympathy. Later in the day, she posted a meme with a comment full of lies, which made me roll my eyes. The meme read “When you finish talking bad about me, don’t forget to tell them the good I did for you.” This is a clear attempt by her to take credit for things she has not done. I am calling her out on this behavior because it needs to stop. Let’s be honest about why all of this happened or should I start posting screenshots again? Screenshots show the bashing that both she and her daughter were doing because we would not lie for her grandson to write a letter for the Judge to read. She was actually dictating letters for her grandson who had committed murder, hoping that the judge would see him as a good person and let him off easy. But in reality, he was not a good person. And let’s not forget how she created drama around the Jeep and got what she deserved in return. It’s time for her to learn honesty because going to church does not automatically make someone a good person. And lying about others definitely does not make someone a good Christian. I remember several months ago when she called me the epitome of a demon in two separate Facebook posts and then went on another post to call me a devil. Maybe it’s time for her to take a look in the mirror and see the true demon she is.

I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve grown tired of the biological mother and her group of performers, but I refuse to let her spread lies about me and my family. I will always stand up for us and never let anyone silence me!

For years, I let my biological mother control every aspect of my life. I was always afraid to make her mad, so I would just do whatever she wanted, whether it was good for me or not. She knew how to manipulate and guilt-trip me into compliance. But eventually, I realized that I needed to stand up to her and take back control. When I started talking to her again in 2013 after my stepfather’s suicide, I thought things might be different this time. However, she proved once again that she hasn’t changed and continues to cause trouble. My husband thought she may have changed after 12 years of not speaking to her, but he was wrong. I kept my guard up to protect myself from her constant lies and manipulation. At first, I didn’t tell my children about reconnecting with her because they had also been hurt by her actions. It took me about a month before I felt ready to tell my daughters about talking to my biological mother again, and even then, I only communicated with her through email at first.

I have a photo from my childhood that still gives me chills. It was taken when I was little and my stepfather had his hand near my chest, which made me feel very uncomfortable. Looking back, it’s clear that my biological mother allowed him to have full access to me at the age of 4, as she would let him video me naked in the shower while she stood there laughing. This made it clear to him that he could do whatever he wanted to me. There are other photos that now raise red flags after watching an 8MM film of what he did to me. Good fathers would never do such things to their daughters. I will always speak out about this and won’t let anyone silence me. My biological mother refuses to take responsibility for what happened to me as a child; instead, she blames and shames me for her husband’s actions towards a minor. It’s unlikely she’ll ever take accountability for allowing this to happen to me. She is a terrible person for not acknowledging it. And this didn’t just happen to me; my sister Jaime also experienced it twice – yes, her own father did this to her too. She told me about it when I was living in Patrick in 1998-1999. Men who touch children need to be locked up, and so should the mothers who allow it forever!

To Be Continued!!

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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