Online Stalking and Trolling

Online Stalking and Trolling

Denise, would you like me to share the evidence of you and your daughter stalking and harassing me on social media? I have records of every person who has visited my Facebook and website, including your names and locations. It seems like your Roger Rabbit daughter has been snooping around a lot lately. Oh and by the way, in case you didn’t know, algorithms can suggest people who may know each other based on their activity on social media. But I guess you’re too busy trying to be a lawyer, trash collector, and Christian- though it looks like you’re failing at all three. Your prayers are worthless to me; they reek of evil and fake righteousness. And don’t even get me started on your attention-seeking behavior through churches. I have all the proof right here in this folder given to me and have given copies of this file to my lawyer. Maybe if you took a look at my blog posts, it would jog your memory – though it seems like everyone else is already aware of your actions. At 73 years old, you’re still causing trouble behind the scenes and lying about it. Perhaps you should stay off social media if you don’t want others to find out about your true self or get suggested as friends with someone like Roger Rabbit. Just saying…

My lawyer has informed me that you have no legal recourse against what I write, and it seems like you already knew that. You tried to press charges against me with a false accusation of hacking your supposed bank account, but you gave out my information without even knowing who the real culprit was. When in fact your bank has already told you they have tracers on ALL ACCOUNTS and know when someone tries to hack bank accounts. So you were told all this yet you wanted clout on Facebook and sympathy that someone was doing something and it was a COMPLETE LIE you made up! But that is what you do for the attention you make things up to gain that poor pitiful me crap Lord I Hope he punishes you in the END for all the lies you have covered up and the lies you are still making.  It’s hypocritical of you, as a supposed Christian, to make false accusations and disclose personal information. I want you to know that I am far from miserable in my life; in fact, I am quite happy without you and your deceitful ways in our lives. You cannot stand that we are all happy without you. Do you remember what your small-minded church always says? Because it sounds like a broken record, just like a group of gossiping old people. Everything I have told is the truth about the biological mother, so there is no need for misery to speak it. Perhaps you should own up to your years of guilt and be honest about your actions. Maybe then you’ll have a chance at heaven, but with a sinful heart and allowing your children to be victims of sexual abuse, it may not be guaranteed. Your preacher can’t save you if you don’t take responsibility for your wrongdoings. The screenshot below is from one of the biological mother & her daughter’s friend “Michelle” from New York who created this fake account to harass me.

PS: The only evidence I have is from February and March, but there are plenty of printouts for those months. Also, the little troll from New York who made a fake Facebook account to harass me has been asking for more information; let me know if you need it as I have saved all the screenshots. Interestingly enough, ever since this post went live on Facebook last night, I haven’t heard a peep from them. It seems they don’t like being exposed to hard evidence, as they always think they can get away with anything. These are only a few I will post Aprils in a week to show all the traffic they do stalking me on Facebook & Website. 

It’s ironic that I can provide concrete evidence, yet they simply post a screenshot of my daughter being suggested to someone she may know on social media. It was an account with the name “Gaunga Queen” that my daughter didn’t even know the biological mother-daughter’s username on TikTok, and it featured Roger Rabbit. They want to accuse us of trolling and stalking, but who really has fake accounts to spy on others? The biological mother even chimed in with her negative input. Mind you, we don’t stoop to their level by creating fake accounts or snooping around on their profiles. But they have no problem going onto my Facebook and website to gather information. And then they have the nerve to call us miserable? We have nothing to be miserable about; we are happy over here without having to deal with their toxic behavior. Things started showing their true colors back in September 2022, which was the last time I visited her house. I’ll tell you why: when I went there, she asked if I wanted to ride with her to take her daughter and grandson to a store. I agreed, not knowing what I was getting myself into. As it turns out, she took them to buy weed from a sketchy location, putting my safety at risk. That was the final straw for me and I never went back. I refuse to live a life centered around smoking weed and glorifying it on social media like it’s something to be proud of. If it’s for medical purposes and you have a legitimate card, that’s one thing. But buying from shady sources just isn’t worth it. Then in October 2022, she randomly asked me if I had heard about a gang member being murdered. Why would I know anything about that? Her actions and comments started raising red flags for me, especially when her grandson was arrested for murder in December 2022. It all started adding up and made me realize the kind of people they really are. They may think they are living a high life, but their constant drama proves otherwise.

To Be Continued!!

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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