Things Have Been So Peaceful Since I Decided To Stop All Communications With Two People

Things Have Been So Peaceful Since I Decided To Stop All Communications With Two People

Things have been so quiet since I changed my phone number I don’t get those heavy-breathing phone calls and collect phone calls from Kershaw jailhouse, Florida Prison anymore. I had not been having those calls before but that’s okay now because my phone only rings with calls from family and doctors offices. The sad thing about changing my number I had it attached to so much with my husband’s medical stuff, my alarm system, and so much more that I won’t post here. I’ve talked to several law enforcement in 2 counties about the situation and they have given me a lot of advice on what I can do if the situation continues. I post on social media like I always have the only thing is I don’t post much publicly because I have others that stalk my social media pages so I keep it to family and a few friends that I trust. 

My family here is all that I will ever be concerned about because we look out for each other that’s what true family does for each other. The thing about it is my grandchildren mean the world to me. I’m not sure how anyone could treat their grandchildren any other way than to love them. I remember growing up and loving my grandparents but they didn’t leave near me as a child growing up and that sucked because I knew they loved me. Grandparents play such a big role in grandchildren’s lives whether they live close or far away. 

My children grew up with neither grandparents from either side. My children were around my bio-mother but nothing that would leave a positive impact on their lives growing up. See the bio mother wouldn’t ever watch both of my girls together because she claimed she couldn’t handle them my girls were 16 months apart so there was no real reason why she always tried to separate my girls. My bio mother never showed up for anything with my children growing up at their schools nothing so really she was never a grandparent. A grandparent is supposed to care about their grandchildren and my bio mother did none of that for my children. If you were to ask my children if they had any grandparents they would tell you “HELL NO!” My grandchildren have a grandma and papa that is involved in their lives and we let them know we love them very much we go to school functions, sports events, awards, and have eaten with my grandchildren at school.

We as a family have always bounced back from things that try and break us apart. My daughters are great women that work hard for their families. My daughters were raised to work and be productive adults and that is what they have done. Neither of my daughters have been in trouble with the law. We raised our daughters with morals and respect and in return, they are raising their children with the same values. See when you parent correctly your children become AWESOME ADULTS! 

Our lives have been busy with appointments, yard work and so much more so I wasn’t able to post much but I will post at least once a week because I want to continue with part 3 I have it in my draft so it’s there just need to tweak it a bit. I also have a lady that contacted me about writing a book deal about the story of my life which is exciting. I’m seriously thinking about it because a lot of people do their life stories so mine wouldn’t be any different. I was going through a box last week and found some interesting information that someone had written on calendar sheets about how bad of a person I was and went to the point of dating everything I was in total shock. Some of the things that were said really made me question why I allowed those people into my life again. I have definitely learned my lesson about opening that door again it will permanently stay closed forever. 

Yesterday August 1,2023 There was a post on Facebook that was considered threatening and blackmailing. The thing is that is a crime in the state of South Carolina. She has posted several times about blackmailing so I went today and talked with the magistrate judge on what can be done to this person. This person decided she wanted to claim something that I have had since my childhood that SHE gave me because she knew I loved my grandfather. But what is really crazy is I posted a photo of it on the uniqueness of the wired trike puzzle and SHE immediately started stating that it was taken and I better return it and so to the point of threatening with blackmail. Listen this was NEVER TAKEN it was given to me as a child and I have had this all through my being on my own. The magistrate judge definitely gave me positive information. 

These same people that claim to be CHRISTIANS don’t live by the word of the LORD! I definitely wouldn’t be going to church on a Sunday and Wednesday portraying you are a Christian all while you are being a sinner or blackmailer, posting things on social media, and pointing out others’ faults. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor”. I’ve never proclaimed to be a Bible thumper but I do believe a lot of people that aren’t true Christians. True Christians don’t talk down to others even in dark times they don’t post on social media to put that person down because they are supposed to be following the Lord’s words. See this is why I have an issue with religion because you have someone that is a sinner and only living by the Lord when they want to or will post things that most Christians don’t post or judge others. How do preachers allow this kind of behavior is questionable? The way I look at this is if this preacher is okay with a follower that is not living by the word of the Lord then why does he allow the follower to continue to be part of the flock? The only preachers that I would even believe or follow are Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham they are TRUE followers of the Lord. I would never use a church for my own personal gain. The church is to worship the Lord and be true believers and followers of the Lord. This is why I read my Bible at home and don’t go to churches because there are so many fake followers and preachers in this world. 

Well, now that I have talked with the magistrate judge we know what can be done about the blackmailing charges.  As for the collect calls I called back and talked with the magistrate judge and gave him the information and we will get something done about that also being that the phone records on my landline and cellphone hadn’t had any collect calls from a prison or jailhouse before the grandson went to jail for murder.

Oh, what a web they weave.

Till next time stay safe from crazy people. 


Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog.

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