Things Have Been Peaceful Since The Trolls Stopped Visiting My Facebook & Website

Things Have Been Peaceful Since The Trolls Stopped Visiting My Facebook & Website

Peace has returned to my online platforms now that the trolls have stopped visiting. It turns out that they were leaving negative reactions on my posts, not realizing that the tracer I had installed revealed their actions. Being able to track their clicks and shares on my website and Facebook was a game-changer and well worth the cost. I even printed out pages of evidence showing where they shared my links and how long they spent on each page. Dealing with trolls and ex-family members requires protection, as they often play the victim when faced with consequences for their actions. Despite reporting threats and harassment to Facebook, nothing was ever done and they continued to harass us. In fact, we would often be flagged for violations after defending ourselves against their attacks in our posts. These same individuals also falsely reported me for posting supposed hateful content in groups, despite me only being a passive member who never commented in groups. It’s almost as if they work for Facebook, given the number of fake accounts they have and their ability to harm others without consequence. But I believe in karma, and eventually, those who do wrong will face the consequences of their actions. Their delusional “happy family” facade will crumble once the grandson goes to prison – it may not happen immediately, but it will catch up with them eventually. Just remember, you can’t treat others badly and expect to come out unscathed in the end.

I was talking to a childhood friend, someone I’ve known since I was sixteen, and recounting the situation with my birth mother and her daughter. They were shocked to hear about it all. I took a hard look at everything and realized that I wasn’t the problem; it was the birth mother and her daughter causing issues. It’s strange because before we let them back into our lives, we never had any conflicts or arguments with people. But once they were back, it was like chaos erupted. My husband and I discussed this recently. He was the reason I reconnected with my birth mother in 2013; he believed she may have changed for the better. But she hadn’t; she was still the same deceitful person she always was. I told him to never ask me to work things out with her again because it would never happen in my lifetime. When I cut someone off, it’s final for me. There will be no forgiveness on my end, ever. I can’t even count how many times I’ve given her second chances, only to have her make false claims about money or gifts, using them to boost her reputation and status. When confronted with evidence, she continues to lie, all while working at a trash dump and collecting social security benefits from her deceased ex-husband whom she divorced for being an alcoholic. That’s something that bothered me when I first reconnected with her in 2013 – not taking money from her – but she gifted us cash at Christmas which made me uneasy because I knew she would use it as leverage later on. And of course, that’s exactly what happened – she used it as a way to show others what she had done for us, bragging about helping us financially when we didn’t actually need any of it thanks to my husband’s benefits. So now I’m left confused by all of her lies. And another thing – the inheritance that initially helped us was from her husband’s aunt, not the birth mother’s money. But as they say, it’s water under the bridge now and we need to move forward.

I have been playing this back-and-forth game with my birth mother since I was 16, and now at 54 years old, it is safe to say that her chances of being a mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother in my family are nonexistent. My children grew up without the presence of grandparents, but they have never expressed any desire for them, as they believe most grandparents can be two-faced. However, my grandchildren will always have loving grandparents who care deeply for them. Unlike my birth mother, who was too busy for school functions and spending time with my kids while they were growing up, I have made sure to be an involved grandparent and cultivate a close bond with both of my grandchildren. I promised myself to never be like my birth mother when it came to my own children and grandchildren. In the end, I will always strive to be a better person than her and her daughter.

I refuse to feel guilty about cutting off communication with my birth mother. It’s a battle that I no longer care to engage in. I just want to live the rest of my life without them constantly interfering. If I do write about them, it will be included in the book that I’m planning to publish on Amazon. I’ll keep everyone updated on the publishing process. Have a great day until next time.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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