The Birth Mother Isn’t Happy The Story Is Out She Is Scared I’m Going To Share Copies Of Messages!

The Birth Mother Isn’t Happy The Story Is Out She Is Scared I’m Going To Share Copies Of Messages!

Well, the birth mother & her daughter were at it again today posting on Facebook about me of course LMAO! Not to mention the daughter went to my Facebook first thing this morning to see what I had blogged about only to run to her mommy and tell her LMAO! Well, the birth mother’s response to my blog post was just as I expected it to be with her swearing that I was lying like always. The funny thing about it is my story hasn’t changed the whole time so let’s be real. So the birth mother decided to write a Facebook post about me and I guess she didn’t realize it showed the edit section where she went in and changed what she said. The great thing about Facebook is you either delete the post and redo it or you go in and edit it and allow others to see what you really said about someone. The birth mother claims that she has heard of things that were shared on social media no hunny it was shared in a blog post. Now onto where she is claiming that I’ve twisted, turned, fabricated, and lied about all to destroy the birth mother for her stopping the money flow???? Here the birth mother goes again LYING about the supposed money flow I’m really fixing to squash her lies with her own emails, and text messages. I have an email I will be sharing on Saturday evening because I have plans with my family on Saturday that are more important. But it will show the same pattern she says all the time about this so-called money flow like SHUT THE HELL UP already with that broken record of a LIE! The birth mother doesn’t like that I’m telling EVERYTHING I’m not leaving anything unturned. Then the birth mother goes on to say all she can do little more than pray for those who call or come at her LMAO!  The funny thing about this is the birth mother is a hypocrite she will go on Facebook and talk trash and in the very next post, she is a Christian Does that make sense.

The birth mother claims that she hears bits and pieces as she doesn’t want to hear the broken record over and over. Well, the thing about it birth mother you created this mess I mean you are trying to play it off that none of these things ever happened when in FACT THEY DID! The birth mother is scared that her in-laws will know the truth about who she really is and how fake she really is. Just like her former father-in-law had no idea that the birth mother had sons until I told him. Why she didn’t tell them well because she said no one needed to know about her life? Well so in other words she was embarrassed of her own sons. Well, her former ex-husband’s family didn’t know I existed either until they came and got me and my daughter because my ex-husband’s family called her I didn’t call her. So after that, she had to tell them about me but still didn’t tell them about her son’s big secret she tried to hide. To me that was DISGUSTING as a mother! Then the birth mother goes on to say “And to think, I paid thousands for her to bash and dishonor those who are passed away using their name making outlandish claims… It’s a willing sickness…” For the hundredth time, you haven’t paid thousands so let’s be real! As for the bashing and dishonor, I know you aren’t talking about me? With all that crap you and your trolling daughter do! Then let’s talk about the family members that have passed away yes those 1. was a child molester/ abuser and let’s not forget you divorced him for being a habitual drunk, 2. Jaime whom would feel the very same way I do about what you are doing. She wouldn’t have put up with this BS either and you know it! Your daughter from HELL she had the same issues as I have so let’s not tell a lie about what she would think! 3. Jason I think you had his mind so messed up with continued promises that you kept breaking. Jason wanted your attention so bad. The sad part is you walked off and left him when he was almost 2 years old his little mind shifted at that point he developed that bond and you as a mother broke it and still continued to break it all through his life. So if I speak on the ones that passed it’s because I’m speaking the truth and I would’ve done it with them all alive. I loved my sister & brother more than I can say for the birth mother. 

It’s hilarious that the birth mother says “it has to be horrible to have so much hate and spend hours dreaming up or figuring ways to use these lies and misinformation in hopes of hurting her…”  Listen I don’t spend hours dreaming up anything I simply tell my whole story with my hand on the Bible! As for having HATE well do I hate you yes I do! Does it have to do with MONEY NO IT DOESN’T! It has to do with you knowing that your grandson murdered that boy in your yard and you called me that night and tried to put us in the middle of a murder! It has to do with you wanting my family to LIE TO A JUDGE about your grandson supposedly being this perfect kid when in reality he was a horrible child and was extremely disrespectful why would we write a letter and lie to a court official! As for misinformation, I can share those text messages and voicemails and we will see how much misinformation there is! As for hopes of hurting the birth mother well I think she has done her fair share of hurt so I have a thick skin she can’t hurt me anymore! She said this to me on Sun, Feb 19, 2006, at 10:52 AM “L. Denise and yes I wish I had given you to your dad and Linda Gail so that it would have been me you would have come and found, and maybe we could have had a better life, both of us.”  I’m still not sure why she kept me? She wasn’t getting any money for me so why not have given me to someone who wanted children who could have given me a better life? I mean she knew what the stepfather was doing and clearly turned her head and acted like it didn’t happen! I’m sorry but it truly took a horrible mother to not believe her child all while your husband was touching your young daughter! I bet I could tell some of the sexual things he did to me!  So please stop with the BS about people hurting your feelings that definitely is a broken record.

Then the birth mother goes on to say this was nothing new tho as the birth mother has been thru this with the same child! Well, she likes to say she has gone through things with me but in reality, it’s what I have been through with the birth mother! The birth mother starts things when things aren’t going her way she goes into Looney Tune’s characters. As long as I was under the birth mother’s spell with what she expected everything was good but the minute I didn’t follow what she wanted then it would be HELL and she would start spreading false rumors to everyone. It just dawned on me when she evicted us and gave us 10 days to move our home off her ex-husband’s property. She not only did that she went to Wallace Gregg Elem. and told several lies about me and my children were in 1st grade and 5-K yeah the school told my husband and me. But that should tell everyone what kinda of person this birth mother really is! The birth mother goes on to say “Lies, deceit and just outright EVIL…”  What is EVIL is the fact that the Good Lord allowed you to produce children! You should have never been allowed to have children plain and simple FACTS! The birth mother always comes back with OH the lies and deceit but you do it every day! The birth mother still isn’t being honest about the murder of that boy that she had her own hands in that crime not to mention others in that household did as well. But that was also passed to the Kershaw Sheriff’s Dept. The birth mother always is quick to pass judgment when she wakes up every day with that lie knowing she knew that boy was dead! Like I said before sweep at your own doorstep before trying to sweep at others’ doors! 

Then the birth mother goes on to say “I will not respond to her as it’s a waste of time and good energy to battle bad energy…”  Listen I don’t care if you never respond to anything I write! But what I write isn’t a waste of time or energy it is called a TRUE STORY! There is no bad energy here ever in my life or household we are all positive people and working and living life is something you should try sometime. But see the birth mother is having to deal with a deadbeat daughter who is 40 years old and doesn’t work but sits on social media 24/7 and the grandson well he is on house arrest so she has to pay fees to keep his ankle monitor on not to mention he is looking at prison time for murder but was he was a deadbeat like it his mother so there you go. Then the birth mother said, “I was going to start a blog but my friends asked me why? It is a waste of time & energy and will do nothing to help the lost… They’re right…” Well first of all you have no idea the blogging rules so yes it would be a waste of time and energy because you are not very good at what you write on social media so there is your Que! Should definitely listen to those fake friends that I’m sure they have picked up on your lies as well. Not sure why you continue to claim people are LOST or need help maybe you should look in the mirror there is the LOST person or persons! Stop trying to be a lawyer, cop, judge, or preacher it doesn’t fit you because you are horrible at all!

Lastly, the birth mother always comes off with this “I know what my future holds…God has made it clear…” I would have to say different but again it’s people like you that cause people to dislike religion because you are a true meaning of hypocrite. God has made it clear that you are a LIAR that’s what is clear. Then the birth mother said ” I also know what their future holds if their hearts aren’t cleansed of hate… I have only pity for them so consumed with black hearts… God Help them… Have Mercy on them…”  To the birth mother, you don’t know what my future holds in our hearts you are not the GOOD LORD! Listen you think you’re getting into Heaven with all them lies, cheating, murder NOT! The birth mother likes to say she has pity on my family we don’t need any pity here keep your thoughts to yourself because that church family is pitying you. Stop with the black heart crap I think you are being racist which we already knew you were racist I mean you told my daughter that people of color don’t bleed red they bleed a different color! I don’t need you asking God to help me or my family don’t you think you are biting off more than you can handle asking him to help us? Isn’t that calling the kettle black at this point? I think you better ask the Good Lord to have mercy on you for all those lies, abuse, murder. 

I have plans in the more so this will have to continue on Saturday Evening.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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