The Birth Mother & Her Daughter Are Still Trolling My Facebook & Website

The Birth Mother & Her Daughter Are Still Trolling My Facebook & Website

First of off, I want to explain something when I get ready to post my blog post I’ll post to Facebook when the blog post is up.  Yesterday I posted to Facebook that the blog post would be up in 2 hours and I knew those who watch my blog would be on my Facebook Trolling just like they are Trolling on my website and sure enough they were the Stats showed them on my site SMH! But all while the birth mother’s daughter is hiding under another Facebook account and trolling and spying Does that make sense IT DOESN’T but again they can do it but play victims when we post screenshots of what they would say on Facebook about me and my family. These two people enjoy getting the attention of others because they never tell the complete story it is always a one-sided story that way they can stay looking like the victim in the eyes of others. You will not see me play victim do I respond to what they say yes I do and will always! Just like the daughter posting behind Facebook page about me and my family but the supposed church is okay with that type of behavior. Just like I was talking to someone today about this issue and they stated it truly sounded like a cult these people are part of and I just said that a few days ago. This person told me the same thing I have said no good preacher is going to go on the word of others and be judgemental towards someone they don’t know. Good preachers don’t judge others that they don’t know just take the word of someone and use it against another when you clearly haven’t seen what these people have done and are still doing. Like I said how does someone walk through church doors and fake being a Christian and walk out the door a complete sinner?  The same hypocrite that preaches online about Jesus and in the next posts reminding yourself that you wouldn’t look good in prison clothes that’s the so-called Christian I’m talking about! 

Now I want to talk about the postings she has been doing playing the victim once again but it is the comment she puts on her own post “Sometimes those who dig holes… Should remember to put in steps!” Now the holes that have been dug are by the birth mother & her daughter the troublemaker 24/7 that has a record. It’s just hilarious that the birth mother is always trying to make it our problem but in reality, they started this and have continued the whole situation since May 2023 posting hate, and threats, not to mention giving my house number out to someone in prison who kept calling and harassing us, threaten to have their people come to take me out whether I was home or out and about that their people weren’t scared of my cameras on my property. Or they will post I’m going to perish, I’m never getting into Heaven, I’m the epitome of a DEMON. Then they will say I never raised my children that my husband did that I never done anything when in fact he worked and I stayed home and took care of our daughters. Then I get it slung in my face I never worked a job to know what it was like to earn money? Has attacked me and my family called used animals even put a pig face on a few photos of mine. Then has posted about my son-in-law who committed suicide and made it a laughing matter all while my daughter and granddaughter have suffered with the pain but they thought it would be funny to add jabs about that in there. Then goes after my daughter who has had a medical condition since she was a child and they think it’s funny to make fun of it and post things about it. Then post about people who are overweight making fun of them posting people eating donuts and cheeseburgers I will add that below I had posted it on another blog but I will post it again to show. But all while being a supposed CHRISTIAN I CALL BS!

But again they scream they are the ones being harassed all while they go to our Facebook spying like the weasels they are. The thing about it is they claim the preacher didn’t want to hear our side and badgered us to no end what the preacher thought of us! Let me make something CLEAR to the birth mother & her daughter from HELL he isn’t a good preacher to judge me by what I’m or daughter is saying he is being judgmental towards others and doesn’t know the whole story or should I say the the other side of the story. But I frankly don’t give a CRAP what he thinks. You, Nor your Daughter, preacher, or anyone else dictates whether I make it to HEAVEN! The only person that makes that decision is the Good Lord! People like you try to be the Holy person that you have NEVER been and we all know it! The mistakes you made in life how you did your parents, your children, your relationships, your grandchildren, cover-ups, lies yes you will have to answer to the Good Lord one day. But I will be damn if I have two grown women talking about me not going to church and how I will perish and will not make it through HEAVEN! Doesn’t the Bible state thou shalt not judge thy neighbors? Yes, it does, and judging is a SIN. The funny thing about it is you wanted me to shut down and keep my mouth shut and when that didn’t work you went on allowing your GROWN TODDLER to continue to harass us online when in reality you could have shut it down day one and no one would have kept this going but you didn’t you are just as much at fault as she is for posting what you wrote and having her post on her Facebook. But again this is the pattern of what the birth mother & her daughter do they get it to that point that they play victims when the kitchen gets too hot and is boiling over. 

I will continue to write and tell the whole truth and that bothers you because your business is out there well guess what so is mine but I refuse to remain silent as I was for years not standing up to you for free of what you would say or do to shut me down. I’ve regretted so many times allowing you back into our lives because once a snake always a snake. The other thing I have thought about that the birth mother & her daughter have continued to say is they have screenshots of everything from the very day we started talking so you talk about you supposedly being set up hell look who set my family up! I should’ve started talking to you for months and kept it a secret from my children because they HATED you for what you had done to them and me. When I finally talked to them and tried to make them feel okay about the situation with you they still told me Mom she is shady and better be careful she is up to no good but who gave who the benefit of the doubt? All while my children told me all the time you were shady as hell but I tried to be nice and kept my heart guarded because I knew how you were from the past and most people like you don’t change but my husband was the one that said she might have changed it had been 12 years no communications with you but that didn’t last long because here we are again 10 years later same issues with the birth mother & her daughter same patterns as years ago I can show that as well as me fitting back through emails, Xanaga, and Myspace. As a mother, I couldn’t do my children like you have done all 5 of yours! You should have never been allowed to have children you have made that statement clear about how you would’ve kept the dog so none of your children ever mattered some of us already knew how you felt. This wasn’t the first time the birth mother had made statements like this because all her children interfered with her being able to live her life the way she wanted to. The way I look at it is not one of the 5 children asked to be born as I recall that is something you should have prevented if you didn’t want children. I mean you for some reason kept me who knows why but then my brothers you left them with their father and left the state and then you went on to have two more children with one of your former husbands the last one you had with the former husband you claimed he took advantage of you and you didn’t even want her. Your words not mine you have said it so many times you hated him for sticking you with another child because she was always causing problems. 

The thing about it is I have never been in trouble with the law nor have I ever stolen anything as she continues to tell people that I have. This same birth mother would bring boxes of stuff to my house and tell me to hold on to it some of it I had never even opened I just put it in a closet up till recently I decided to look and what I found I don’t think she meant for it to be in those boxes but it was things like her talking horribly about me 12 years ago I shared some of that to Facebook when I found it in those boxes. Then there are photos I have had since my first marriage that the birth mother gave me but conveniently forgot about that and had seen those same photos hanging on my wall in my home but again made false claims on Facebook of photos that she claimed I had supposedly stolen from her house. Not to mention other objects I’ve had since I was a child but how do you argue with a 73-year-old that clearly her mind is slipping. The birth mother likes to make accusations about things when it will fit her narrative something she has always done. She has accused 3 of her children of stealing from her me, Jaime, and her present daughter. She claimed that Jaime stole VHS movies and other things and went and sold them. Then the present daughter just last year you stated she stole money out of your purse that you had hidden from her and that grandson of yours. But this wasn’t the first time you had made that known to me in a text message. See I don’t believe in stealing from NO ONE I wouldn’t want it done to me! But you believe whatever makes you feel good and sleep good at night knowing you have made false claims against me all while supposedly being a Christian. 

Well, I will stop here for the evening.

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