I Wanted To Share Some More Issues With The Bio-Mother and Her Daughter

I Wanted To Share Some More Issues With The Bio-Mother and Her Daughter

I got to thinking about all this mess going on with the Bio-mother and her daughter and something hit me from what she posted yesterday. This is the very reason I have my settings to Friends only because people will try and create issues for you. It wasn’t a big secret that my son-in-law and I weren’t seeing eye to eye but that was just us all families go through things and work things out. So the post that Denise P. posted that I am putting below screenshot that back then because I went through my Facebook and there was nothing in there because I removed it but that means Denise P. was collecting things so she could try and use things against me.
She used to do that when I had Myspace and Xanaga blog posts. She would copy them or print them out to use against me however she could try and ruin my relationship with friends, a place I worked at, and family.
I guess my question is why didn’t I see the warning signs then? It was just like when I was doing a ton of product reviews she would BEG for the stuff even though I paid for a good bit of it. Just like all the medical equipment I have given her. Not to mention all the stuff they took from my old house never offered a dime it always give me give me. How about the times I paid for her and her husband’s meals at the Mexican restaurant because she didn’t have enough money I did that several times she did it ONCE for me. How about the shoes I have bought and never worn She said she needed shoes I gave them to her. How about the TIVO I paid $50 for and gave it to her because she complained about her husband’s Chinese box he bought and she couldn’t figure it out. How about the puppy pads I have given to help with her little dog peeing on the floor. There is so much more but I wanted to put this out there.
It’s always funny when people come off talking crap about someone they leave everything out to make themselves look like they have been doing everything. But see when I started talking to Denise P. back in June 2010 I kept my guard up because there is one thing I didn’t do was ask for MONEY because that was something that she would always use against me in the past if she ever gave $20 to take the kids to get a happy meal because she wasn’t around much to do anything with them. I never lived it down about that so this time I was smarter about it. When Dwayne got sick in Nov. 2018 and completely was put out of work because of his health our finances went down we had just bought a car and had car payments we had a house payment we were under bankruptcy at that time then our roof started leaking we should have left the tarp on the house we were better off to let the roof have a tarp on it after all the mess happened.
Now her husband’s aunt passed away and she left him an inheritance so they offered to help us STUPID me didn’t use my head about what she had done to me in the past like I didn’t get enough of her abuse back then I stepped right into SHIT again with her knowing how she did me in the past. Even my husband and children warned me that it was a bad idea. But I thought hell she won’t do that to me again and we accepted their help we told them we couldn’t pay them back and Denise P. and her husband’s reply was “THAT’S WHAT FAMILY DOES IS HELP!” But in the back of my head, I knew sometimes this would come back and bite me for trusting her. Now the help that was given to pay my car off was $17,000, the Roof $5,000, Backruptcy last couple of payments $1100 then they borrowed $5,000 for our downpayment on the new home and we paid all but $1,000 because on Dec 24, 2021, they both stated that the loan was paid in full because they refinanced their house and you know how that works everything gets paid off. Denise P. gave me $100 for both Dwayne and me for Christmas and that is the last time she has ever given me MONEY!
I’m still very confused about where she is claiming all this money that she has spent on my family. But I already know she is lying and can prove it. She is one who will lie to people and make them think she is literally about broke from helping others but what is funny about our situation is we have money we pay our bills every month we have about $4000 that goes out every month and that leaves us $4000 so I’m really confused at her stating she has given all this so-called money or tells people she is paying our house payments like she uses to tell people when we lived in our double wide she would tell people she was paying for our home she never has made any payments on my house, cars, lights, water, food, medical, car insurance NOTHING!
Denise P. and her daughter are like a bad case of diarrhea they are always running off at the mouth and spewing false information about me and my family. When I provide proof they lose their minds and post nasty hateful posts about either me or my daughter on a daily basis. The way I see it is they think they can say whatever they want and harass us to no end but when the heat got turned up about the grandson because I went to Kershaw sheriff department and told them what I knew they called me a liar but I actually did go and I have the deputy I talked to and told because he even pulled the case up and was in shock looking at the case not to mention the information I gave and showed him. I had no reason to lie about going to the Kershaw Sheriff’s Department. Denise P. then started claiming we were destroying her life and her family life with all the so-called lies I call them facts and truth.
Denise P. has made accusations about having a lawyer more times than I can count on my hands and toes since 1995 to present I have emails where she claimed she was turning everything over to her lawyer letters showing my children how bad I was to her and not allowing her to see my children because she was mentally stable in my book she was worse when she was younger. I remember a time before Dwayne and I got married she came to my house and tried to get past him to get me and slap me in the face he stopped her and told her she wouldn’t be doing that she talked crap to him and he told her to leave my children were 3-4 yrs old at that time she has always been one that tried to control others whether it was verbal or physical.
Not sure why I ever thought that she had changed because a tiger doesn’t change their strips. She has played all her children against each other, especially her daughters She would allow the youngest daughter to be a pain in the rear to both me and Jaime and would tell the younger one you don’t have to listen to them when they are watching you because they are your sisters and that POS was the worst child on this planet she should have been put in a mental institution because when she was 10 years old she pulled a butchers knife on me and clearly stated what she would do to me so I called the sheriff when we lived behind Denise P. because that child was mentally not right then. That’s when Denise P. went and got a eviction notice to make us move within 10 days that meant we had to move our home which she was hoping we couldn’t so she could profit off of it at that time but my brother-in-law and sister-in-law stepped in and helped us at that time.
Denise P. will never change she claims to be a true Christian that goes to church and is living by the word of God and the way I see it if you are living by the word of God you wouldn’t be making threats, bashing people, putting personal medical information out there about others. These people have literally dug through all of my family’s Facebook pages and copied everything they could to try and use it against us. So today I made a lot of things private because they are hell-bent on trying to use things from 3 plus years ago. Then when I speak about the truth she decides to claim she has an attorney. Now we talked with an attorney and 99.9% of them won’t touch these cases because JUDGES don’t want to hear the stupid nonsense yeah I talked to an attorney and because social media is a freedom of speech platform there is nothing that can be done. The attorney said to block them Well I did but they are still attacking us spreading lies to people we know. Again I have all the proof and receipts to show this all started with her daughter wanting my oldest daughter to write a letter for the grandson that is up for murder. The daughter literally dictated what to write and we did show that to the sheriff in Kershaw and mine also where the bio mother was literally begging me I have those screenshots and telling me what to write. So everything started and has kept going since May 2023.
I don’t sit by and allow anyone to attack my family with slurs, name-calling, and lies about so-called money. I will defend myself and my family to the end of my days they come first. So make sure you give this to your attorney I will be waiting for his fake reply unless it is a friend of yours like you did back in 2000 and had your friend’s lawyer call and threaten me with what she could do when there wasn’t nothing she could do at all we already had an attorney and knew our rights. But until then we live life with no fear of any attorney on this end. If you put as much effort into your current situation as you do here maybe you will learn to leave others alone. You and your daughter are always in other people’s business that is why your grandson is where he is because you weren’t a good parent to him at all if you had been he wouldn’t have been in jail for murder.
You talk about me being a regret does that mean I can sue you for not asking to be born? Because I wouldn’t be here had you kept your legs closed. You talk about I’m scum off the bottom of your shoes well if that is the way you see it but I think I have done pretty damn good I have my diploma and college degree, and my children have the same father that I never gave away and I have only been married 2 times. What exactly are you trying to say about me? See I’m stronger than you realize you think your words hurt me but they don’t I just want to let you know I was never like you and never will be. I have my grandchildren who love me and I spend time with them I’m not fake like you were to my children. I will always be a better mother than you my children love me. So with that being said all doors, and bridges have been burned with you I don’t want to know anything you have going on I don’t want to hear you want to speak to me because there is no more communication between my children nor my grandchildren want anything from you or whatever you have. I have destroyed everything that has to do with you because I literally couldn’t care less to have photos and videos of you in them. When I say I don’t have any parents I mean I don’t and it doesn’t bother me one bit to say out loud! I have made it very clear if something happens to me everyone has been instructed to not publish it or tell you because those are my wishes and I’m firm about what I’m saying.
So make sure to take this to your lawyer so he has some more details of what I write since you are blocked.
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog.

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