I Am Determined To Reveal The True Nature Of The Karen Non-Mother!

I Am Determined To Reveal The True Nature Of The Karen Non-Mother!

I feel the need to expose the Karen Non-Mother for who she truly is. I recently came across a post she made on Facebook about me and my children, which someone sent to me. This woman is completely unhinged and it’s not funny anymore. It seems to be a pattern around this time of year, as her daughter’s birthday was Feb. 22 and her son’s is Feb. 25, leading her to lash out at others in an attempt to deflect from her own guilt as a mother. Both of her siblings were taken by someone who murdered them. Now, let’s address the Facebook post she made about my family. First off, I am not a hate-filled person as she claims I am. I may have disliked a few people in my life, but only because they have done horrible things, like Paula who murdered my sister. Denise, the Karen Non-Mother, is another person I dislike because of all the lies and rumors she has spread about me and my family. As for Angel, she simply follows her mother’s lead and creates drama wherever she goes. Now, let me make something clear – if I want to dispose of items that you gave me, it’s within my rights in this free country to do so. And let’s be honest here Denise, those “priceless” items were actually from thrift stores or dollar stores. You can stop with the BS lies now. And yes, I did post photos of these destroyed items because they were given to me by you – why would I want to keep anything from someone so evil? Many people would do the same thing in that situation. If you didn’t snoop and look at the photos, you wouldn’t even know about it. What words could possibly be considered ‘pure hate’? Standing up for myself and speaking my mind against you after all these years? You don’t get to dictate what I can say or do, end of the story.

Let’s address the Karen Non-Mother who keeps making accusations that the hate doesn’t stop with me and that I troll her every word. Denise, let’s make something clear – you claim I constantly harass you, but how do you explain your daughter, and yourself clicking on the link to my blog posts from my Facebook profile? I will share those links again for anyone to see who is really the one trolling and harassing. It’s easy for you and your daughter to attack others, but when someone fights back, you play the victim. You also claim that any response to your posts is twisted to seem like it’s about me when in reality it has nothing to do with you or your family. Yet all of your posts are either private or full of jabs at myself or my family. The Karen Non-Mother clearly has issues and tries to hide behind law enforcement, even getting information from a retired cop who visits her at her place of work – a trash dump. I couldn’t care less about that cop or any other for that matter; I have every right to speak my mind however and whenever I want. Don’t think contacting them worries me in the slightest. But perhaps you should be more concerned about a murderer living under your roof. Or maybe start addressing those text messages where your grandson says terrible things to you – the same grandson you try to paint as perfect when he is actually a thief, liar, murderer, and gang member who flashes gang signs in his texts. Your posts contain threats; you just carefully phrase them so they don’t reflect poorly on you later on. But I’m not fooled by your manipulative behavior – I’ve dealt with it before from you. So go ahead and talk to your cop friends if it makes you feel better; this is a free country after all. But know that I can file papers against him for speaking out without knowing anything about the situation. And just to clarify, the only person with real problems here is you, Denise. You have a serious mental illness – 99.9% of the time, you need a mental evaluation. And I’m not the only one you’ve burned bridges with; I know multiple people who have been affected by your actions and who are on my side. Ironically, you claim to be a Christian when your behavior proves otherwise. Remember when the cop said “That one has real problems” and you wanted to laugh? That just goes to show how unhinged and mentally unstable you truly are, especially with all the drinking and medication you take. You’re the one with REAL PROBLEMS, not me.

We can’t forget the comments made by the Karen Non-Mother about her retired police officer friend who couldn’t state his own opinion because it couldn’t be posted on Facebook. So, with both of them slandering me, it only strengthens my case. But in my eyes, a cop like that is corrupt when he blindly believes and spreads rumors without even knowing me or seeing my blog and social media posts. And yet, the Karen Non-Mother goes on to say that this cop told her to leave everything in God’s hands and she prays for us every day, claiming hate is a sickness like a disease. But it’s interesting how you treated your ex-husband and his current wife terribly and spread hurtful lies about her to others – I have proof from the messages you sent. You seem to think you were exempt from being filled with hate, huh? I guess you were infected with that same sickness when you went after your ex-husband and his new wife for no reason. And don’t even get me started on your daughter and all the trouble you caused there. Even talking badly about your own lawyer – I’m sure she’d want to know how you slandered her in our text conversations. It’s always been acceptable for you and your daughter to cause trouble for others, but once someone fights back, suddenly there’s a problem and you start seeking justice for what I’ve done – but let’s not forget what you’ve done for years. Now let’s talk about your so-called friends Debbie and Kay – funny how not too long ago Debbie was telling Dwayne how much she doesn’t like you at Bilo in Darlington, SC but I suppose they’re still considered your friends.”

I have always been honest about my story and there is no reason for me to fabricate anything, including the fact that my stepfather sexually abused me throughout my entire childhood. There were even records at PEE DEE MENTAL HEALTH where I disclosed his abuse, but because he owned Tadlock Plumbing, you and Jimmy made sure it never came to light. I went through therapy and received the support I needed to understand that what Jimmy did to me was not my fault, despite your continued efforts to blame me and call me a liar about the abuse. As a mother, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing your husband to rape your own child from the time we lived in Colorado to South Carolina. You did nothing to protect me, not once. You even dismissed the ER doctor’s finding that my hymen had not been touched, using it as proof that the repeated abuse never happened. But I can assure you, it did happen repeatedly until I was 15 years old. Jimmy was clever in how he abused me – he never penetrated me with his penis, but would forcefully grind against me while I lay on my stomach in bed. Now that I am 54 years old and have gone through therapy, I realize that this was not my fault, but Jimmy’s and also yours for allowing it to continue. Despite telling the same story over and over again, you still refuse to acknowledge or take responsibility for what happened. Instead, you choose to victim-shame me for being sexually abused by your own husband, who was clearly sleeping around on you. But this has always been about money for you – if you lost Jimmy, you would lose everything. Your children were never a priority; it was all about protecting your financial stability.

The Karen Non-Mother made a statement saying, “My friends know about this, but to anyone reading this nonsense, please understand what I have to deal with all the time!” But is it really nonsense? I’ve provided evidence and stood my ground, so how can it be considered crazy? It’s not like I’m disrespecting the deceased; he was fully aware of his actions towards me throughout my life. Then she asks for advice, but she’s always been more concerned with her friends’ opinions than her own children’s. And here comes the part where she tries to intimidate me by saying, “It’s only a matter of time before the lies in your posts are brought to justice.” Well, Denise, let me make something very clear to your failing memory: I have all the proof I need, including medical records from my therapist and a video of you handing me over to that man when I was just a minor. You even allowed him access to me while I was naked in the shower, and you weren’t even married to him at the time. Shame on you! The only justice that should be served is for you to be held accountable for allowing this abuse to happen to me for years. So go ahead Denise, seek out that justice you speak of – I have all the evidence ready and waiting. This is not a threat, it’s a promise. I’ve kept everything from the past up until now, so please explain to me what BS you’re trying to scare me with. And don’t forget, your daughter will also be implicated in this when everything comes to light. Remember when I went to the Kershaw Sheriff’s office and told them about your involvement in that boy’s murder? Why didn’t they investigate further since you work at the dumpsite? You even admitted in a text message that the weapon was taken apart and thrown away there along with the bloody clothing from both your grandson and his friend. When I mentioned this to the sheriff, I also informed them that your grandson’s friend helped move the body – something you told me yourself. It’s all on file at the Kershaw Sheriff’s Department, as well as a report my daughter made against you for blackmailing her with false information. So please, enlighten me about this supposed “justice” you speak of. In fact, I may even be on the James family’s side in seeking justice for their son’s death – regardless of his past actions, a life was still taken by your grandson.

In response, the Karen Non-Mother claims she prays about this constantly. But she only prays because she is guilty of knowing about a crime and her own wrongdoings. It’s amusing how she accuses us of being mean, full of hate, and vicious in our supposed attempts to hurt her and her immediate family. First of all, Denise, you are not worth going to jail for. Let’s make that clear since you have been spreading false accusations and lies about me. Furthermore, the issue with the TRIKE that you attempted to blackmail me over is included in the report as well. I am tired of your constant lies about this TRIKE that I have had since childhood. It has traveled with me through my first marriage and second marriage, and has even been displayed on my shelf in all my homes – photos prove it. So spare me the BS lies about how I supposedly stole it from your house; it’s a bunch of crap! And don’t bother having your friends vouch for you because the truth is evident in the photos. Just like how you threw away all of your mother’s funeral photos, I will never forget that you did that. Yet now, you would never throw away your daughter’s funeral photos, would you? Maybe you would because that is the type of person you are. Even Dwayne was upset when he found out you threw them away. After all, he knew how you always pulled those crazy three-day cleaning sessions where you got rid of things or gave them away – just like you did last time when you brought photos and papers and junk because you didn’t want them at your house anymore! So yes, I believe my grandfather would understand why I acted the way I did because he knew who you really were. You tried to paint me as such an awful person during my time in Nebraska with my grandparents, but it was all a lie and we both know it. I was put in a horrible position as a child with my dying grandmother, and it’s your fault for not being there for them. I refused to take any responsibility for staying up late to help Grandma when Grandpa was in a deep sleep and she would cry out for him. Please forgive me for acting like a typical preteen who was forced to grow up and do adult things that you should have been doing to help your own mother, but you didn’t want to. It was always about you, but this time, the spotlight is on you, dear Denise.

The Karen Non-Mother fabricated stories about her childhood hospital stay in a Facebook post, claiming it was due to Lupus when she had actually lied and said it was due to leukemia while growing up. She even went so far as to accuse me of destroying a tricycle and posting photos, but I did so because I was tired of being blackmailed and falsely accused of stealing it. My grandfather would not be pleased with how my Karen Non-Mother turned out, especially since they didn’t have a good relationship. In fact, my grandparents preferred their other daughter over the Karen Non-Mother and refused to visit South Carolina because they disliked her husband. They visited their other daughter in CA multiple times instead. So spare me any talk about my grandpa; he would be disappointed in the person you are today. And then the Karen Non-Mother has the audacity to say “THAT’S THE DEVIL TRIED & TRUE…” The only devil I see here is her and her daughter, constantly trolling and spreading lies. It’s like you sit around trying to come up with false accusations against me for no reason. You’ve called me every terrible name in the book ever since you joined that cult; maybe they brainwashed you into believing those lies. You’ve even gone as far as calling me a demon and a devil repeatedly. The birth mother has also made numerous statements about how I don’t look like them and have no connection to her, making it clear that I was stolen at birth. She even claimed to have aborted my sibling before me or did she mean me? I have documentation from the hospital showing she had an abortion, which raises questions about whether or not I am truly her child. It’s clear that she has something to hide seeing as she signed my birth certificate and legal name change forms with fake names.

I am tired of this Karen Non-Mother accusing me of stealing paper photos. I have never stolen from anyone and she needs to have proof before making false claims. I have had the collage for many years, as my first husband can confirm. The Karen Non-Mother created a collage using cut-up photos, but now she is claiming that I stole them all, which is not true. It all started when I used my phone to take a screenshot of a photo of myself with my grandparents as a child. The Karen Non-Mother lost her temper and accused me of having possession of photos that actually belonged to my sister Jaime the birth mother’s ex-husband’s current wife told the birth mother I had photos that belonged to the Karen Non-Mother, The photos were Jaime’s, in a yellow envelope. Even after showing the Karen Non-Mother the actual envelope with Jaime’s name on it, she continued to claim that she never got them back after 15 years. She did go through these photos when she visited my new house, but luckily I had Ring Cameras to catch her in the act going through the photos and what she said about them not being what she was looking for. Accusing me of stealing is a serious accusation that could potentially lead to legal action on my part. I will be consulting with my lawyer about this matter. Fortunately, I have to keep a lawyer on standby due to constant lies about my character. So please, spare me the BS about the photos and own up to your actions. You have caused enough chaos in my life already; let’s not add more by fabricating stories about stolen photos. And just for clarification, you also trashed your own mother’s funeral photos.

I want to discuss the silver ladle and several other items that were given to my oldest daughter, claiming they belonged to my grandmother and great-grandmother. I highly doubt this, as the Karen Non-Mother often spends time and money at thrift stores, constantly acquiring new items. If these were truly family heirlooms, she would have kept them for herself. To make matters worse, she and her husband melted down some of the pieces, even though they supposedly had value. We tried to return these items twice, but she refused both times. It seems like she knew they weren’t worth anything, and any valuable items were probably already sold. She also mentions that they should have gone to another grandchild in a different state who would have treasured them. But it’s clear that she is just trying to manipulate someone else with her lies about having family heirlooms. The truth is, there is no sentimental value in something that was based on a lie. The Karen Non-Mother accused us of only seeing monetary value in things, but the reality is that nobody has made any profit off of these items. They are just sitting in a zip-lock bag collecting dust. Now let’s talk about my grandmother’s watch – the Karen Non-Mother claims that I sold it, which is absolutely not true. In fact, I gave it back to her! If it was sold, it was done by her own hand, not mine. An appraiser from 1992 even confirmed that the watch had no value at all. And if you need more evidence, Dwayne was there when we returned the watch to you. So don’t go making accusations without knowing all the facts because you might find yourself in deeper trouble than you expected. As for the one diamond solitaire ring that you gave me as part of something from my grandparents – yes, I did sell it on eBay in 2008. But why is the Karen Non-Mother suddenly bringing this up now, more than 20 years later? The funny thing is, she loves to brag about her own possessions and seems to have conveniently forgotten that she sold her own mother’s rings just to buy a car. And yet, she still has the audacity to throw shade at me for selling my own ring. Were you stalking my eBay account to see it being sold? I’m sure you and your daughter were, but please, spare me any BS about trying to sell junk that is just sitting in a drawer. You didn’t want these items back last year when I offered them, probably because you already took all the valuable ones. Don’t try to paint us as desperate for money when your household is constantly refinancing your husband’s house.

I want to be crystal clear to the Karen Non-Mother: it wasn’t you who cut us off, we made the decision to cut you out of our lives. Please stop spreading lies about the supposed reason why you cutting off money; there was no money to cut off. If you have any proof of this so-called money being cut off, please share your receipts with me. In a previous post, I explained how my husband lost his job due to health issues and we had little to no income. We turned to GoFundMe and Facebook for support, and while the Karen Non-Mother and her husband insisted on helping us, they also claimed that it’s what families do – help each other out. It pisses me to hear her boast about giving us $25,000 towards paying off our car ($17,000), my husband’s medical bills ($1100), and fixing the roof on our old house ($5,000) now mind you there wasn’t any cash in our hands they paid the things with checks but she makes it sound like oh golly gee wiz we gave them $25,000. But the truth is, it wasn’t even her money – it was her husband’s deceased aunt’s inheritance that she used for lavish trips and even buying a Corvette. As for the cameras that my daughter bought on her Discover card, we have provided receipts proving that fact – I’m not sure why the birth mother keeps claiming she paid for them. And about the baby items she supposedly bought for my older daughter – she told my daughter to sell them when things didn’t work out with the adoption, but now she’s trying to twist the story by saying we sold them without her knowledge. We have texts where she clearly instructed my daughter to sell them and keep the money. It’s becoming exhausting trying to keep up with all of Denise’s lies and manipulations.

Next, the stereo fireplace. You pressured my youngest daughter to sell it to you for your grandson but then proceeded to badmouth her and the quality of the fireplace in text messages. Your husband didn’t secure it properly and it was damaged during transport. Yet, you continued to criticize the fireplace and why anyone would buy it. Your husband also caused damage to my daughter’s property and cost her a significant amount of money to clean up. But instead of taking responsibility, the Karen Non-Mother chose to falsely claim that they used 2 different trailers and made excuses about fuel and equipment costs. However, screenshots from Cash App prove that I made payments to your husband. Stop with your constant complaints about the Jeep; you’ve had it for almost a year and it’s not even in your name. The loan was resolved without any issues until you got involved. It’s time for you to grow up and stop acting like a tantrum-throwing two-year-old. At 72 years old, it’s time to act your age.

Next, the Karen Non-Mother adds, “And the worst part is, this isn’t the first time she’s done this to me.” Since you want to bring up the past, I can certainly share all of the terrible emails you used to send me. But at that time, I was more passive and obedient. You always tried to intimidate and threaten me with what you would do if I didn’t follow your orders. Oh, and the lawyer you got involved with was Hopkins. You thought that would scare me, but it didn’t because you were pushing for grandparent rights. However, South Carolina does not have those laws and your lawyer was reprimanded when they tried to bully me into giving you visits with my nephew. That same lawyer also represented me, so don’t try to use a friend as a scare tactic. As usual, the birth mother continues her hateful words by saying, “But this will definitely be the last time.” Is that supposed to frighten me? Well, it doesn’t in the slightest. Your so-called friends who supposedly know you have probably been paid off or are willingly turning a blind eye to the chaos you cause. But I couldn’t care less about their opinions of me. They haven’t experienced what I have – dealing with your lies and slander. And here we go again with more lies, where yes this Karen Non-Mother would backhand me & Jason several times. The idiot even said, “I’ve been accused of backhanding her her entire life…well, I wish I had after all her lies.” It sounds like a threat at this point, but I have no reason to lie or make anything up. Of course, the birth mother wants people to believe that she’s a good mother – seriously? Then she says, “If that’s true then why aren’t there any pictures? I mean any! In all of the pictures I have, she’s not showing any signs of abuse.”

According to my Karen Non-Mother, I participated in fancy events that I hated and were meant for my sister. She claims that the photos from these events prove that I was happy, but they also show a facade of a perfect life that she likes to portray. However, she conveniently ignores the fact that her husband sexually abused me throughout my childhood. She tries to discredit my accusations by stating that none of her friends remember any signs of abuse and by trying to paint our noisy household as normal for living in a trailer park. But her friends could hear the screaming, and breaking windows, and knew about her husband’s infidelity at the 301 bar on Palmetto Street. Once when I rejected her husband’s sexual advances, he punished me by forcing me outside with shorts, a short-sleeved shirt, and no socks or shoes on while she stood outside in the cold until she got home and of course he told her a lie because he couldn’t be honest that he was raping me, fully aware of his actions. So let’s not pretend that living in a trailer park means no privacy or excuse her ignorance about the ongoing abuse happening in her own home. Were those same friends in the bedroom while your husband was raping me NO THEY WEREN’T!

After that, the Karen Non-Mother adds, “I pray for those who deal with family drama… I hope no one ever has to go through what I have… The profanity-filled, threatening, and verbally abusive messages I’ve received from a grandchild (in age but not in actions) – I gave them to my lawyer to use as he sees fit… She shares these messages with us and also posts them publicly, even stating “To the ex, go figure…” This shows you the kind of person the Karen Non-Mother is towards her own grandchild. What’s ironic is how she goes after my daughter’s boyfriend’s ex-wife and involves her in this mess. But don’t worry, we have screenshots of those conversations too which are posted on my daughter’s Facebook for everyone to see! And as for the threatening messages – wow. Should I share all the ones that your daughter and yourself have written? I think I will. The Karen Non-Mother continues to talk about being trolled – but it’s quite interesting since both she and her daughter have been actively stalking my Facebook and website. Luckily, I have all the evidence with timestamps, IP addresses, and names so spare me the nonsense about being trolled!

Proof of why a police report was made can be found at the beginning of Angel Tadlock’s written statement. Angel’s comment in the first Facebook post was “And no of we had people going over there they would have pulled up people we know ain’t keyboard warriors and they give no fux about some BS cameras…” That is why the sheriff was called not some 30-minute so-called drive and you saying that I called because you turned around in my driveway OMG go get the report you look so stupid with these lies you tell!

The Karen Non-Mother’s remark was repulsive and disgusting. She claimed to love and pray for us, but only from a distance. We don’t need her cult-like prayers or anything else she has to offer. There is no love lost between us – that ship has sailed and sunk. Her prayers mean nothing to any of us; she should keep them and focus on her own life instead. I want to make it clear that I have taken the necessary steps to obtain my concealed weapon permit, just like the Karen Non-Mother and her husband have theirs. So there is no need for her ignorant comment. And as for her accusation about me wishing for her death, it’s laughable. Her words could be interpreted in the same way, since she threatened to harm my daughter as well.  How dare she make such an accusation? She’s proven time and time again that she is a despicable human being – from threatening my neighbor’s dog to expressing paranoid fears of gang members coming for her and her family. She is not worth anyone’s time or attention, let alone jail time. I will be sharing screenshots of our conversation with Kershaw sheriff’s office being she made an accusation that I would be a suspect if something were to happen to the idiot, as it’s clear that the birth mother has mental and delusional issues that need addressing.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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