Family Drama with 2 narcissist A Mother & Daughter

Family Drama with 2 narcissist A Mother & Daughter
See this is what her mother agrees with from her youngest daughter that is 40 years old:
I want to start off with this about my mother and her daughter that have been harassing me and mocking me about being a sexual assault survivor by my stepfather but have been called a liar for years but because I’m standing up for myself they bash me for being a victim.  So my story is below and I will be posting more details about my life.
See my stepfather Jimmy admitted he was wrong for what happened to me and he apologized and we got past that issue that happened to me as a child. But see he raised me from a 4-year-old and I’m 53 years old he was the only father figure I knew as a child whether my childhood was not great there were a lot of emotional issues and abuse that went on.  But I have a mother and daughter that have been after me from the point of my daughter’s refusing to write a letter for the judge for her son/grandson so they got mad and started stating we weren’t blood family and that we could’ve written a letter that was dictated what they wanted them to say for the son/grandson that is up for murder in Kershaw, S.C.  But yet kept posting snarky remarks and things only got worse from that point.
But again that family is always talking about others or lying to someone to cover what they have done to others.  See you think you’re hurting my feelings but in reality, you’re bullying someone that was a victim of a sexual assault as a child.  See I went through therapy to get past what happened to me as a child. My therapist stated I needed to confront the person that done it and have them admit to what he had done and my stepfather did so this was all I needed to hear was he owned up to what he had done.  But see I went to my mother when I was in the 3rd grade and she pushed it off to take me to the ER and the Dr. told her that I was not telling the truth but to listen when a child is molested the person doing it makes sure it doesn’t show that you were penetrated. So my mother went on about her everyday life living her normal money-hungry living lifestyle because she didn’t care about 2 children that were being abused in the 1980s on McCurdy Road in the double-wide.
See for all my life I have been dealing with this being thrown in my face by a mother and her younger daughter that is 40 years old and has always lived off both my parents to the point she got pregnant 2 times and the first child the younger daughter didn’t take care of him and the hospital had called child protective services on her so her mother stepped in and adopted that child only to raise him with the bio mother who was already labeled a bad mother in the system. So as time went on this same 40-year-old had another child by another man and lived off her mother while her mother supplied her a single wide home 2 of them to be exact and she lived off the system and her mother. Well while the 1st child was little she took him to Walmart and shoplifted and was putting stuff under her child that was in the car seat yeah there is court records of this you can look it up clearly in the system.   Then it wasn’t long before she had that second child and ended up in Seneca, S.C. and she was in trouble again for Child endangerment and child Neglect yes she was arrested and wasn’t able to have contact with her child he was given to the fathers family to raise.  So here is where it gets crazier her father bails her out because he doesn’t want her to learn her lesson and tries to get her the help that she needs. See this 40-year-old has been a mental case since she was 5 years old and it got worse because she was babied her whole life.  Her parents have paid all her child support, paid her way through life, paid for cigarettes and all she does is sit on her phone all day on TikTok or Facebook posting Hate videos. She won’t work because he mother makes excuses for her that she can’t work but yet she has worked and doesn’t keep jobs because she complains about everything.
This is where bad parenting 101 came in with my mother she enabled her younger daughter to be lazy and dependent on her older parent. Even her own mother was sick of buying stuff for her younger daughter and would voice it many times to me about how tired she was with her wanting this and wanting that but would never push the younger daughter to get a job or an education.   When the mother would talk to me about her I would say what is she going to do when you aren’t around anymore she said would you take care of her because she can’t take care of herself she isn’t mentally capable? I said NO because the younger daughter is very capable of taking care of herself I mean everyone talks to a counselor sometime in their lives that doesn’t make you not capable of getting a job or getting out on your own.  See my mother makes so many excuses for her younger daughter and her 20-year-old grandson that is in Jail at the moment and looking at 20+ years for murder.
Let me also explain the medical condition the 40-year-old had as an 8-year-old child. She would pee her pants all the time so her mother had me take her to the doctor because she didn’t want to miss time at work and put up with the 8-year-old that was a total brat and out of control. The doctors run tests and found out she had 2 tubes that were connected to that kidney and one was flushing all the bad back into the kidney so it caused half of her kidney to be damaged. So she was put on medication and had surgery to remove the damaged half of her kidney. Now here is where the story gets blown up to something else when she was nowhere near Camp Lejune Military base never has been there nor ever drank the water from there but these are the lies her mother tells to make herself look good.
Now onto the estranged daughter ME you claim I have done this to you before please don’t make me post all the emails and letters you sent harassing me and threatening to sue me. From 1999-2013 my life was better without you in it but when my stepfather committed suicide you reached out to me and thought well 12 years have gone by maybe she has changed. Sadly I keep my guard up with you because I knew how you worked with things. I mean in 1993 you evicted us off your husband’s property because you got caught getting a ton of credit cards and had refinanced the mobile home that was in yall’s name that we were paying on but because your husband at the time and my husband had a spreadsheet that showed we would have been close to paying it off but you refinanced it and we were paying on the loan all while you were spending money and lying to your husband about you were supporting us and buying my children’s clothing, food, and school supplies which was a complete lie!  See this is the pattern that my mother does and plays the victim when things get told on her and the younger daughter.  See my mother back in 1999-2003 used to go to a consignment shop that I worked at and was really good friends with the lady but my mother decided to drive from Florence, S.C. 35 mins out of the way to come to the town I lived in and gossip about how bad of a person I was yeah to my boss.  Luckily she and I had many conversations about how crazy my mother was.  But this same mother would find people I was associated with and would poor mouth me to them she tried so many times and people saw right through her.
Be prepared because you’re slinging a lot of lies and might better have facts. And as for Camp Lejeune military base baby girl, you were never there. You had 2 tubes running on one kidney that was flushing waste back into the kidney. I believe your mommy has her facts messed up or her memory is truly fading but I was the one that took you to 2 appointments and found out because your mommy wouldn’t take time off from Noland. So have a seat and let’s get the facts straight. As for bashing and stalking WOW you idiots post so much but come after me? As for doing this in the past omg don’t even get me started 1993 my mother evicted me off of her husband’s property and school had just started my children started 5k and 1st grade first week of school. So my brother-in-law and sister-in-law helped get us moved to Hartsville. So we went without talking until 1998 by then I had met my bio father and he told me everything about her. Then my sister was murdered in June 1999 we started talking again and it wasn’t long after it went south again with her in 2000 when we bought our double wide that she went around telling people she bought and paid for it which she never did anything for us getting that home and land. So from that point, I completely cut her off so from 2000 – 2013 my life didn’t involve her or the lies and drama she puts out there. Then on June 27, 2013, my stepfather committed suicide and I was trying to be nice and let Angel know so that is how I got back into this drama world with these 2 looney tunes.
I have had to defend myself from her for years because she blows things up and then literally will play the victim. This is what she has done to all her ex-husband’s my own bio father told me she stalked him so bad that he decided it was best not to have anything to do with me because my mother was dangerous then and that was in 1969. The second husband said she was completely a basket case is why he ended up with her 2 sons my brothers that were little she left them. Then she married my stepfather Jimmy and that was the longest she was married but ended up divorcing him. Then she married Oliver and 20+ years later she divorced him and talked major stuff about him just like she has with all her ex-husbands.  So do you see the dysfunctional lifestyle she had her children in?  Her own parents wouldn’t come and see her from Nebraska because they stated that they didn’t like the man she was married to. My grandparents would be so disappointed in how she has done me.
The 40-year-old is on TikTok and Facebook posting 24hrs a day I keep all the videos and postings because sooner or later they will help show what they were doing. This same 40-year-old isn’t trying to get a job but smoking and sitting on your rear all day. Get a job! See these people follow my Facebook posts, and Tiktok they create accounts or go under the son/grandson account to report my postings and get my account restricted because I was telling the truth. See what I hate about Facebook is they are all for child porn, and adult porn if you report that it doesn’t go against community standards but someone can continue to harass you, bully you as a victim of a sexual assault as a child and you can’t even defend yourself because Facebook says you are harassing and bullying HOW??? I contacted Facebook and told them that is a double standard and that I should contact a lawyer and sue Facebook because I have kept everything they have flagged me for the last 3 years.  But see mother and daughter are feeding on each other and the mother is pumping that daughter and doesn’t realize that she is in just as deep if not deeper with what she is posting. Just like TikTok posted a video of shooting someone who is on the other side of the door. Now mind you her grandson murdered a gang member in Oct. 2022 and was arrested on Dec. 22, 2023, but here she is posting about shooting someone. See this is what I have been dealing with no matter if you block them they find ways of seeing what you write or say so when I want them to see what I have to say in response to a negative video I put it public but see they have me blocked but are using a fake account on Facebook to see again playing victims and in reality, they aren’t at all.
The 40-year-old plays this victim thing that she was raped and had a child well that isn’t how that happened. See she had been sneaking out of her father’s house while he was gone and sleeping with the neighbor that was a little bit older than her. The way her father found out was she was jumping his chain link fence and it was bent in one place he found out she was doing that so they flew her to Job Corp she no sooner got there than they did the workup and health check only to find out she was pregnant and they said she couldn’t stay because she was pregnant with her 1st child. So she was sent home and her parents had to deal with her pregnancy and her lying about everything.  Now this is the same person that has screamed rape many times over and over again. She worked at a strip club and lived on the streets her own mother said she was living in the woods on Hwy 52 in Florence, S.C. said she felt bad and took her back in with her.
I hope one day you end up with nothing at all and lose everything you have. All I have to do is sit back and watch it crumble and smile.
Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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