Attention Seekers & Playing Victims The Birth Mother & Her Daughter From HELL!

Attention Seekers & Playing Victims The Birth Mother & Her Daughter From HELL!

My how the birth mother & her daughter have been busy coming to my blog and peeking to see what all I write about is all TRUE. The thing about all of this is they started this whole drama but we as a family here didn’t take their CRAP as they were hoping we would just shut up and go away no it doesn’t work like that unfortunately. These same people continue to post these innuendos in her posts seriously. But as long as you continue to come to my website I will continue looking at your Facebook because it is a PUBLIC Platform so if you don’t want people coming and looking at them make it all private not certain things you want to throw jabs at people. See I don’t care come to my Facebook or Website it is PUBLIC the only reason I’m even mentioning anything is because they cry and whine about us trolling them.  The thing about the birth mother is she is a pro at manipulating people into believing her lies. Like I said so many times in my blog posts she forgot I grew up learning how she does people and how to get her way with things. Listen had we posted the last photo I’m sure she would’ve made the same claims I’m making right now. The birth mother is a CWP holder and has made many claims that she is old and can’t move fast and that she would take someone or an animal out, use your blues clues.  I’m going  I’ll post the screenshot of it below.

Onto the issues with the screenshot with the skeleton, how would you take that if someone posted nothing but jabs at someone they hate? I will not apologize for anything I have stated or shared because everything I post is TRUE! If it hurts you’re feelings then don’t read it is all I can tell you at this point. I also want to talk about something else that most people would be bothered by not having their birth mother involved in their lives but for me, that would be a NEGATIVE I wouldn’t ever allow her back in my life or my family’s lives. The birth mother tells people oh how much she has done for my family like she is sitting on thousands of dollars and lives the high life. I have to make some serious corrections to her claims about all this money she proclaims to have given or have. Now when someone refinances their house every 6 months to a year and pays off all those bills and then has a little pocket money leftover that goes to her head. Then there is this part where her husband’s aunt passed away and all the birth mother talked about before the aunt passed away was what they would get and how much money they would get from life insurance policies and estates. Now when my husband was put out of work due to major health issues you and your husband told us that you would pay off our car $16,900 and we said no but you insisted on helping and that we OWN NOTHING ever because that is what family do they help each other I would add the exact dollar but I’m not petty. We were also at the end of our bankruptcy so we owed $1100 or so and they offered to pay that off to keep us from getting into trouble with the payments as we were waiting for my husband’s Social Security and Military Benefits to start. I had even done a GoFundMe and Facebook and I will post those screenshots from the GoFundMe. As for the downpayment on our home we have now we made the Loan payments every month several on Paypal, cashapp and once cash payment and I didn’t feel comfortable paying you cash because I knew how you were. But you below that $200 at Walmart you were with me and said don’t tell your husband how much you spent but I sent him a message and told him that the birth mother had the cash and spent it also. With that being said had I known at the most vulnerable time while I was dealing with my husband’s health issues you decided to turn around and throw it in my face oh all this money you handed out I would’ve shut you out then. I have the Cashapp receipts on hand I will have to find the file with the PayPal receipts for the downpayment loan. I’m also going to show the car that the birth mother’s husband’s money paid off. I also want to add this old house had a roof leak that caused a lot of issues from leaking into the electrical to creating a ton of black mold. Now the birth mother & her husband offered to help and once again they said you don’t owe us anything because that is what family does they help each other. Well, we see how that has taken a U-TURN! They gave a $5000 loan from a loan company in Camden, S.C. We used the whole thing on the blue roof the are photos below. 


I shouldn’t have to continue to explain myself to these people. Here are the screenshots of the GoFundMe and Facebook Fundraiser that I did to help me and my husband during that time he was sick and in the hospital being put completely out of work forever. I’ve never been one to ask for help if I can’t do it I try to find a way to either get what I need or just leave it until I can get it. I don’t dry beg NO ONE and NEVER HAVE! No one is paying our bills but US!! This is why I always keep it in the back of my mind about the birth mother because she has always thrown what SHE HAS DONE and tried to make it look like she has done a TON of things or paid a TON for everything we own and that isn’t the case at ALL!!! Listen I pay my bills and take care of the things I have because I’m a responsible adult. But if you were to hear it from the birth mother her story would have been I did all of this and they haven’t paid me back. I have text messages that clearly state you don’t owe us anything that is what family does. Again the birth mother isn’t the normal birth mother that most children or even adults have. See my birth mother never had time for her children she either said she was working and pretty much but she was one that work was more important than being with your child. Now as for my children NOPE she never came to anything for my children in school my kids were basically black sheep like their mother. Then when you try and give this same person another chance to be involved with her great-grandchildren she does the same thing once again she didn’t have time or she was working the same thing I grew up with the excuses get old and are played out at this point. I can’t tell everyone how many times I invited her to come watch my grandson play soccer but the birth mother would say I will try but never showed up not once! My grandson has played soccer since 1st grade and he is in the 10th grade now and she still has never been to not ONE GAME! My granddaughter had a program she was in at school I invited the birth mother and again the excuses rolled out she never showed up for anything for my granddaughter either. 

Sadly, the birth mother wasn’t involved with her own grandchildren due to all the SHIT/DRAMA she always caused. This same birth mother told my oldest daughter when she was a teenager something horrible! My daughter liked a young man who was a black guy I didn’t have a problem with it but my birth mother did and was nasty and vocal about it which left a mark on my daughter for life of what she said. My birth mother told my daughter no white guy will like you once you date a black guy, do you know how people are going to look at you in public, did you know that black people don’t bleed red they bleed a different color!!!! Yeah, those words to my teenage daughter what normal person does this to their own grandchild??? My daughter went on to graduate high school early with honors. My daughter also stayed with the same guy for 17 years and had a son with the black guy who is still very much family. But my thing is she JUDGED MY DAUGTHER and she still is till today! The birth mother has even called my daughter FAT 3 times and hurt her feelings and didn’t care that she hurt her feelings. Then I want to talk about my youngest daughter who the birth mother and her daughter from hell are ALWAYS CALLING MY DAUGHTER NAME anything from animal names, fat, and bringing out a health condition my daughter has struggled with since she was 10 years old. They have poked fun at my youngest daughter’s husband who committed suicide a few years ago! But these same people proclaim to be Christians and go to church all while posting things to Facebook laughing about someone taking their life a couple of years ago. But then these same people try and justify it with oh you were talking bashing them so they use someone else’s pain as a GAME?!!! I don’t know how these people sleep at night I really don’t because I know I couldn’t with all the bad they have done to others. 

I have a lot of friends who just are at a loss with how the birth mother & her daughter from hell have been doing. Like I said no I don’t play the victim have I responded with postings on Facebook absolutely but who wouldn’t? I do have a life outside of Facebook and my Blog but I will post every day you just won’t know what I will post about.


I will post again tomorrow with proof of the fake Facebook accounts in other people’s names. 

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog

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