A Narcissistic Mother & Her Daughter Telling Lies Random Post

A Narcissistic Mother & Her Daughter Telling Lies Random Post

This photo is of me as a small child so I wanted to put a photo with the blog because I was a victim of sexual abuse by my stepfather. As an adult, the person that gave birth to me was even worse over the years.  See the birth mother would offer to help with things but there was always a price behind her helping her children or her friends.  See she would do things only to boast about what she did or how much she possibly did for that person to make herself look good. But see she leaves victims in her path of destruction with everything she does. 

Just like when she would buy things of her own free will for her grandchildren she would either ask for them back and be an Indian Giver no matter what she did for her grandchildren there was a price. When she gets on her high horse and goes after her own children and poor mouth them and then brags to her friends and others about what all she has done and how bad I was. She has always been like this as far back as I can remember. The only problem is I stopped talking to her in 1993 she evicted us off her husband’s parent’s property not hers as she will tell people but not tell the whole truth about why she evicted us off the property.  See I should have learned my lesson at that point because we were her free-loading babysitter and heck we would even have to feed her devil’s spawn supper and give her a bath so her lazy mother wouldn’t have to because she would call and get off work and say please feed her and give her a bath because you were too tired to be a mother to your child SMH! Trust me there were people that saw this and even knew the whole thing about this situation.

I definitely didn’t learn my lesson in 1993 but I didn’t so shame on me for allowing this person to continue to destroy my children, grandchildren, husband, and myself.  So from 1993 when we moved our home to another county we didn’t communicate with her but she would send emails and yep of course I would respond because she would always say something to provoke me to say something to defend myself but see that is how she works. We lived in the new county from 1993-1998 she wasn’t involved with my children we cut her off because like I said she was a narcissist and we didn’t want our children to be victims of her abusive behaviors.  Then in late 1998 we bought a new single-wide home and land and moved to a new county better schools for my children and country life was better. After we moved in and less than a year later my sister Jaime was murdered. That is when I started talking to the birth mother again and I should have not had anything to do with her because I knew how she was but I stuck that foot back into that door and Lord I regretted it I promise you that. My sister Jaime had an 18-month-old little boy that his father brought to me to take care of because he was struggling with Jaime’s death. Then someone needed to have guardianship over him so the so-called birth mother will say she paid for the lawyer for me to get custody of my nephew but it was done for free I have the paper from the lawyer she did it because she was screwed out of my sister’s murder trial. But again the birth mother will say whatever to make her look like she is spilling money everywhere. So I got full custody of my nephew and then we had to cut my birth mother off in late 1999 into 2000 because she had made comments because she was a truck driver she could run with my nephew and would have her attorney that was a friend call me and tell me that my birth mother had rights not in the state we live and I told her what our lawyer told us and hung up. Always tried to use her power of authority over people. 

We bought a new double-wide and property so we could make room for my little nephew who I was raising with my family as my own as my sister would have wanted me to. During like the first few months in our new home my birth mother started again to see this was her pattern and why I continued to be her lashing out all the time at me when she would come off saying I was paying for my children’s school clothes, groceries, etc. She would always tell people she bought my homes, and cars, and paid all my bills and NONE of this was true she would give the kids a piece of money and would give me money to take the kids out because she was the one that would visit and leave as soon as she would come to my house she never stayed long enough. But like I said she called the sheriff in the county I lived in and was telling them things that weren’t so but that was handled and from that point, we were done with her. There were posts about us on Xanga being hateful saying rude things and calling people names their favorite is calling people fat *** belittling people like they are nothing. It’s funny because for some reason I kept them all because I just knew this wasn’t over with them because that is how they work. I have been stung so many times I lost count. The online emails back and forth went on for a while but it got so old we just ignored it then we were accused of calling her house like we wanted to talk to her heck we didn’t want anything to do with her she was like a disease that would grow off of drama and pain but play victim to all of it and say she never done anything. Hell, we still have VHS tapes that are on DVD now and cassette tapes with voice recordings that is how bad at times it was with her.  I use to wonder as a child if she had kidnapped me from my real mother because this one never acted like a mother she fronted to get credit and then would throw it in your face what she did to help you so yes I use to think I had a real mother in this world and it wasn’t her. It’s funny a friend of mine’s mother was more of a mother figure to me and would tell me how much she loved all of us and treated us like we were family and would tell people were family. I wish she was alive because I would have had her name on my birth certificate because she would have done it in a skinny minute. Back to the story so we moved back to our old home in another county for a short time and then bought an old house yes 1936 that old with no help from anyone once again we didn’t put any money down and we got everything in our name but rumors were going around and my stepfather asked me did my birth mother help I said heck no she didn’t pay for anything he said she told him that she did again she was lying about something to make herself look good but was in my business. So we cut her completely out of our lives the only time we encountered her was if we were in a store and she saw us and would try and take photos of my nephew and my children all while scaring my small nephew who didn’t know her well enough and we sheltered him from her because of how unstable she was. I mean would you want your 


So we moved to the old house after the so-called remodeled it that is for another post about that crappy old house that I’m sure the birth mother and devil’s spawn will post about but heck who cares if that is all you can do then go for it. One thing you will learn is you can’t make me cry, and you can hurt me because you did all that way back it made me stronger and was prepared but you went after my younger daughter and that was super cold but I really believe in what comes around goes around because people that attack others about suicides “you reap what you sow” Meaning if you don’t know ((You Reap What You Sow is a proverb that says future consequences are inevitably shaped by present actions.)) So let me get back to where we moved into the old house and we all lived there happily no drama no phone calls which we all had different numbers but we had same emails but no one was hearing anything from them anymore which was AWESOME! Then June 27, 2013, my stepfather they claim committed suicide but I still have my doubts about that I will leave that for another time.  So my cousin called me and told me because she knew no one would tell me not even the birth mother or the devil’s spawn but hey it’s all good because certain people still look out for letting me know important things. Well, I talked to my husband and said I really don’t want to call them but had that compassion and should’ve known better so I got in touch with them and now they claim they called me about it no you sure didn’t but that is how narcissistic people are they want that credit for something their mind says they did rolling my eyes. So from 2000 to 2013, I went without speaking to the birth mother and her devil’s spawn for 12 years and life was so much better without them WHY DID I OPEN THAT DOOR AGAIN??? When I knew how she was but this time I put my grown daughters and grandchildren into it causing more harm than good. 


So during this time, she would come over periodically for Christmas, my grandchildren’s birthday’s she came maybe once or twice to each of the grandchildren’s parties. Now fast forward to 2019, her husband’s aunt passed away and left him a large nest egg.  So since my husband was put out of work because he has CHF, Lung disease they offered to help with paying my car off which was almost $17,000 they sent the check to the car company I never saw the check. I wasn’t handed the money but I still had it in the back of my mind so did my husband she is going to throw this in our faces I said yeah I know that is how she is going ahead and saying You didn’t learn the first time the second time the third time evidently NOT. So during this time my husband and I both filed for bankruptcy repayment we didn’t dump our debt we paid for it. Well, they offered to pay the remaining balance which was between $1100-$1500 I got the paperwork just not in front of me so again like an idiot we accepted again STUPID MOVE but you want to think people are good and have changed but NOPE she definitely had not changed. So we were given the check to pay off the bankruptcy to help ease the finances until my husband got his VA benefits. Then the ceilings started having water damage we knew we needed a roof but we would get to it so again they OFFERED we didn’t beg for any of the money that was offered to help someone. So they brought in $5.000 in cash to have a metal roof put on the home which caused more damage to my home after the metal roof was put on. So wasn’t even a month the ceilings started to cave and fall and we were literally living in a black mold home my husband was having lung issues and breathing issues and we needed to get out of that horrible house. This is where it gets sticky I asked to borrow the down payment for the brand new mobile home so I could get my husband out of that black mold home yeah STUPID ME but I made all the payments but the last $1100 because they refinanced their house I paid them 3 payments they were $100 a piece because they said that would help us out and this was after they refinanced the house. But that Christmas she gave us $100 and said the loan is paid in full we both knew there would be a price for that but we told them thank you and we appreciated it.  

Well, as time went on all families have disagreements that are normal. See not too long ago this same devil’s spawn went on Facebook calling me every name she could and my husband luckily I kept those screenshots because like I said this is a pattern with them to go after people with whatever they can use against them even if it is a suicide or a medical condition they are like vampires they go for blood no matter how bad it hurts someone. Well, the devil’s spawn married a guy and then started acting totally getto and started bashing me online on Facebook calling me a racist person when in reality I have never been racist I grew up in a house where my stepfather and mother were both racist people. I saw no color in people we all bleed red no one is any different but if you ask the birth mother she will tell you people of color don’t bleed red and that isn’t so. See that is how she is so her devil’s spawn decided to call me names and her normal fat a** we needed a weight loss program all the way to the point she even said she hated her own mother in these messages I still have all while the devil’s spawn was living with her new husband. I mean before she married this guy she was married for a while to another guy she refused to divorce him and said if he wanted it then he could pay for it but she was the one that was cheating on him while he was at work she was having a neighbor over is what was told by someone that knew what was going on at that time and told me. Even said her husband came home and caught them and she was back with her mother and kinda back and forth between her parents I mean she wouldn’t go to work she lived off her parents literally they paid her child support, food, clothing, the cost for living under their roofs she was taught at a young age to do whatever to people it’s okay they deserve it that is what her mother taught her anyway but her father didn’t take her crap he dealt with her craziness but would tell me he was so sick of her crap and always said it was because her mother spoiled her after the surgeries she had. But again those parents set her up for being a complete failure in life. She has no idea how to take care of any finances heck she even said she wanted to move her building here if something ever happened to her mother and I was like oh no can’t live in a building because the rules and regulations won’t allow you to then she said I can stay in your spare room I’m like this is ridiculous because why would I take care of a grown woman? Better teach her now because she has no clue what real life is she is on social media all the time making videos, and posts bashing people always wearing the same clothing looks terrible all while smoking and you can see her nasty fingernails definitely wouldn’t want to eat anything she would cook because that’s just nasty. 


See I don’t think these people have a soul because if they did the things that were said would have never been said. But these same people walk into a CHURCH and act like they are holy. See I wouldn’t walk into a church and front my problems and lie to the church is what grips me these are people that have no clue how these people work and that is truly very sad. This is also a pattern with the birth mother running to churches to front that she is a good person with a lot of evilness in her. It’s her fault that her grandson is where he is she was allowing him to run the roads, drink, smoke, vape, and other things I can’t put her but she knew he was up to no good many times she did what she did with his mother she spoiled him and gave into him. I heard him many times he would cuss her out and yell at her and she would cry and then give him his way so he knew from a young age how to work her and that he did just like his mother manipulators. See I raised my children they have never been taken from me I never neglected them I raised my children without excuses they were my responsibility, not someone else’s. That is the problem see the devil’s spawn has two children and she hasn’t raised either. One was adopted by the grandmother because the devil’s spawn couldn’t raise him but grew up in the same house with him make that makes sense crazy. Almost like the grandmother was in a mid-life crisis and wanted another child INSANE. The grandmother claimed that when the devil’s spawn went into labor her mother was out of town but the hospital was trying to adopt her grandson out maybe because they saw her as a failure and maybe he would have had a better life and not be where he is today because you chose to raise him and keep him in your little family. The other child of the devil’s spawn was charged with neglect and abuse and that child was taken by his other grandmother but that is a whole other story he even turned out with issues I mean imagine that part. 


I was raised totally differently and I guess I got lucky because I got popped in the mouth if I talked back. The birth mother would backhand me and bust my lip, and she would use a wooden spoon on me and my brother my middle sister Jaime rarely got spanked but my brother and I got it for her many times. But see the birth mother was one that would front in front of people and then behind closed doors she was a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and still is to this very day. I remember as a child having a metal flashlight being thrown at me and missing me and putting a dent in the fridge she didn’t protect me from the abuser because she was always about the money he was making and the lifestyle she had it wasn’t about her children ever. I will say this I have definitely learned my lesson from these people they are both snakes and evil something we definitely don’t want to be associated with they have so much going on from the grandson that murdered someone, her daughter that doesn’t work sits on social media all day instead of looking for a job. The mother complained several times over the last 3 years about her daughter and husband messing around heck I have the video and messages about that part. To the point, her daughter’s husband blasted her on social media about them messing around I still have those screenshots also about that.  Then around the 1st of the month, her husband was caught doing a video of himself with a fake person but they tried to get him to send $600 to not show the video but that video I’m sure was submitted to a porn hub anyone will tell you that. Heck, he tried to send that money but because wire transfers are stern on things like this it wouldn’t work for him. So the birth mother went into damage control and tried to hide it so his family wouldn’t get sent the video SMH rolling my eyes. See people like this have more dust around their doorsteps than me at this point. 


These same people talked trash about my house which I have no bugs. See my house isn’t organized I’m not an OCD person where everything has to be in a proper place but I don’t have dirty sheets or blankets they are washed every other day love that smell of gain softener makes for a good night’s sleep smelling that good smelling gain. I wash my small dog’s puppy pad every day I have two because I hate the smell of an animal that isn’t kept clean. Now we will jump off for a second the little dog I have is from a chihuahua that was stolen from someone the devil’s spawn knew and claimed they rescued the dog there are two different stories I heard. One was it was in a store parking lot and they got her then the other story was the grandson stole it so they could make money off puppies not sure which story is true they both lie. So the dog had three puppies my husband asked for one because he wanted a lap dog and then my granddaughter wanted one and my husband’s nurse got one. Now the grandson wasn’t happy because he was wanting to make money off the puppies and voiced it three times. Now yes all puppies were given as FREE no shots, no paperwork nothing but they were taken care of. My granddaughter’s puppy never grew at all she was so tiny you could hold her in your hand she ended up dying.  My little dog has a large hole in his heart and can never have any type of surgery and the nurse’s mother’s dog is healthy. Now I take my dog to the vet and get his shots and checkups I take very good care of him. But this dog was thrown in my face along with everyone else’s dogs they gave it for free! But then the devil’s spawn makes comments about her and her mother were in town but they didn’t want to come here you act like that bothered me heck I was glad you didn’t you think things like that bother me but they don’t it’s hilarious because that is something a teenager would say LOL. But listen I didn’t care if you went to eat without me like that mattered heck you didn’t buy anything your mother did. Heck, I paid for your mother’s food a couple of times and even paid for her husband’s food as a treat but okay. But then make comments about my house and my animals when you should be talking about your room and the house you live in. Listen the devil’s spawn lives with her mother and the photos her mother sent us when she kicked her daughter out of her house were so bad dirty sheets, plates with food on them under the bed, and buckets of bodily fluids from 1-2 were in that room just pure nastiness. But had the nerve to say something about mine I’m not a nasty person and my animals are very well taken care of. Heck, my own bird didn’t like either of you I should have seen that as a sign because birds pick up on bad people. But the devil’s spawn stated my house smelled bad, and had bird crap everywhere LOL which isn’t so. But see that doesn’t even bother me because I know how they are about attacking people. But see we have enough people that come here medical, social workers, doctors so if my house was as bad as you are saying they would have addressed that with me that is the social worker’s job to make sure things are right and as a matter fact they don’t tell you when they are coming out they call and tell you they are on their way so there is no amount of cleaning with what the devil’s spawn claims how bad my house is that she had to go outside because it was supposedly so bad but in reality, we were glad when you went outside because the devil’s spawn smelled like the whole ashtray every time you were around her. I mean a bag that was brought here with my cameras in it I had to sanitize it because it smelled like the whole ashtray and the smell is so strong it will take your breath. I don’t know how anyone can sit and smoke and think people want to be around them it’s disgusting and you almost want to throw things away it’s so bad. 



But this time is it the DOOR HAS CLOSED FOREVER! Once someone attacks my children and grandchildren I’m done! I’m definitely going to be throwing away a bunch of stuff because I don’t want anything she left here. See you think you broke us but you didn’t. We will always be happier without you in our lives. I raised strong independent women who work every day and pay their bills and take care of their children. We all have our Facebook set where if we want you to see something we make it public and if we don’t want to share something we keep it to our friends the same thing you both are doing like who cares what you post. See the thing about yall your following me I saw it in my settings. But I wasn’t screaming and cussing about that LOL. But will talk a big game about people stalking others but are quick to post hateful, spiteful things pure hate, and then get all in an uproar when people take up for themselves and start calling them names what are you school age?  As I said the SHIP HAS SAILED I WILL NEVER OPEN THAT DOOR IT IS FOREVER LOCKED! 

Stay tuned for the Part 3 story its coming next time. Till then good night to my readers because I have 500 or more people that read my blog not just the two people that read it. 






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