Nickelodeon Shimmer and Shine Jewel Water Backpack

Nickelodeon Shimmer and Shine Jewel Water Backpack What a great way to start the summer with Nickelodeon Shimmer & Shine Jewel Water Pack. My granddaughter absolutely loves Shimmer & Shine.  There is nothing like having a child/children in control of water its just so much fun during the Summertime.  So with the Nickelodeon Shimmer & Shine […]

Adorable Collectible Hatchimals Colleggtibles – 4-Packs

Adorable Collectible Hatchimals Colleggtibles – 4-Packs I want to share these little cuties (Hatchimals Colleggtibles) with my followers/readers. My granddaughter was so excited when she realized what these were and was eager to open each one of them. The unique way of hatching these little Hatchimals is you hold the egg in your hands when you […]


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