ECOS BRЕЕZЕ RООM SPRAY-THE FABRIC АND CARPET ОDОR ELIMINATOR A little ѕроt wіll dо… ѕоmеtіmеѕ thаt іѕ аll іt tаkеѕ… аt ѕlіghtеѕt whеn уоu’rе talking аbоut frаgrаnсе fоr уоur hоmе. Wе аѕ a whоlе ѕоmеtіmеѕ gеt trоublеѕоmе оdоrѕ іn оur hоmеѕ. Pеt ѕmеllѕ. Dіrtу dіареr ѕmеllѕ. Smоkіng ѕmеllѕ. Fіlthу ѕhоеѕ. Gооdnеѕѕ аnd dоn’t оvеrlооk bаthrооm […]

Don’t Be Nice, Kill the Lice with NIX ULTRA LICE REMOVAL KIT

Don’t Be Nice, Kill the Lice with NIX ULTRA LICE REMOVAL KIT It’s that time of year when children are back in school, daycares from being on Summer break.  School has started back, you have gotten all the school supplies that your child/children needed except for one!  You forgot the one thing that elementary kids […]

FunkAway Odor Eliminating Spray for Clothing and Gear

FunkAway Odor Eliminating Spray for Clothing and Gear! FunkAway is a must have product. The wonderful thing about this product it does what it says eliminate funky odors like in shoes, clothing, cars and much more. My husband uses this for his shoes and clothing. The wonderful thing about this product is it doesn’t mask the […]


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