Laurali's Blog

When A Parent Enables An Adult Child To Be A Bum or Criminal

When A Parent Enables An Adult Child To Be A Bum or Criminal


Have you ever wished you had different parents than the ones God gave you? Sometimes I question God’s choices in assigning people to be parents. Some should never have been given that responsibility. It speaks volumes about a woman when she has children with multiple men or has been married more than two times. I try not to judge, but there are a few exceptions. When I got married in 1986, my first husband and I were only together for 3 years before we divorced on our youngest daughter’s first birthday. But I didn’t go on to have more children with other men – instead, I met my current husband in December 1990 after my divorce and hysterectomy, and we have been happily together ever since.

Is it socially acceptable for a woman to have been married six times and have children with multiple men? In my opinion, as long as she is a responsible and loving parent who takes good care of her children and makes sure they are not harmed by any men in their lives, then she is doing a great job. However, if this parent chooses to only keep one child and leave behind two others, it speaks volumes about their character. It becomes even more concerning when this same parent has two more children with another man, and one of them turns out to be irresponsible and dependent on their aging parents for financial support. As a parent, it is important to let go and allow your adult children to grow up and take responsibility for their own lives. Unlike some people who continue to financially support their adult children’s bad habits, such as weed or vaping, I have taught my children how to be independent and self-sufficient. 

But the egg donor condoned the 40-year-old shoplifting back in Florence, S.C., and again in Lancaster, S.C. in 2020-2021. Condoned the grandson murdering someone else. Condoned them smoking weed while being a minor in S.C. Allowed the minor to drink alcohol as long as he was home doing it she said there was nothing wrong with that! WHAT? Talk about irresponsible parenting at its best. Her grandson was pulled over on 04/21/2021 0660-Alcohol / Open container of beer or wine in motor vehicle Fines/costs $257.50. 1257-Minor / Purchase or possession of beer or wine by minor Fines/Costs $465.00. 11/19/2022 3353-DUI / Driving under the Influence, less than .10, 1st Offense Fines/Costs $992.00.  12/23/2022 0048-Minor / Contributing to the delinquency of a minor Surety Bond $10,000 he has 2 charges on this.    12/23/2022 0116-Murder / Murder Cash Bond $150,000.00 Surety Bond Electronic Monitoring & House Arrest; Reside w/Grandmother; May Work; Church; Lawyers; Drug & Alcohol Treatment No Contact with Victim/Victim’s Family Directly/Indirectly AA Testing & NA Testing.  Then the 40-year-old has her own record around different counties. Lancaster S.C. 12/16/2020 0528-Shoplifting / Shoplifting, value $2,000 or less Fines/Costs $2,125.00. Then on 03/30/2019 29101145125-Ordinance / County Paraphernalia Ordinance Fines/Costs $100.00 It is a public record!

After that, the egg donor and her troublesome daughter have the nerve to go on Facebook and continue to stalk my page and website. They seem to enjoy making immature and animalistic remarks about people as if they are children on a playground. And then they bring up absurd rumors about me being in a relationship with my sister. It’s ridiculous and completely false; I am not gay and never have been. How disturbing is it that a 73-year-old woman thinks it’s acceptable to behave this way? Below, I have included screenshots of the egg donor encouraging her daughter’s behavior. It’s truly disgusting.

These individuals have a habit of portraying themselves as victims in every situation, without fail. It baffles me how anyone could feel sympathy towards them, considering their tendency to manipulate and exploit whoever they encounter. I could never bring myself to treat others with such malice and cruelty as these people have.

What bothers me even more is the fact that they continue to stalk my Facebook and website, but then get angry when I respond to their harmful posts. Who wouldn’t defend themselves against this kind of online harassment? And it’s not just us they’ve targeted – I have screenshots of the egg donor harassing others in Facebook groups. She has a history of multiple marriages and children with different men, and she’s always pitted her children against each other for her own gain. In contrast, I have never played favorites or caused division among my own children. Yet I catch flack for standing up to the POS daughter, who was raised to be disrespectful and uses people for her own benefit. This daughter claims to be a Christian but constantly posts about smoking weed and threatening others. How can someone claim to follow Christianity while living such a sinful life? Going to church on Wednesdays and Sundays doesn’t automatically make you a Christian, and simply opening a Bible on those days doesn’t either. It’s frustrating how some people use religion and others for their own gain, trying to maintain an image of being a good family when their track record shows otherwise. It grips me people use churches and others for their own gains to make themselves look like they are a good straight family when in reality they aren’t just look at the bookings and charges above verses mine and my family are ZERO EVER.

To Be Continued!

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog