Laurali's Blog

Stalking Me On Facebook: Egg Donor and Daughter

Stalking Me On Facebook: Egg Donor and Daughter


Once again, I have proven my point about the egg donor and her unstable daughter. Upon checking my website’s trackers, I discovered that the daughter had clicked on the link to my Facebook page. Despite their claims of being stalked by us and accusing us of invading their privacy, these individuals have a history of harassing me. While sorting through my emails, I came across some disturbing messages from the egg donor which I plan to share in a future blog post.

I want to share my experience with you because last week, I was constantly harassed and stalked by their friends because I had made a statement about that stalker having Cancer. In response to my comment about their friend having cancer, they began threatening me online. Then, I started receiving messages from a fake Facebook account – which turned out to be the person in question, as seen in the screenshots below. I found out about these messages when I checked my original post and saw that it had been shared three times. When I clicked on the share, I could see the harassing messages on my Facebook, not theirs.

Throughout the entire week, the egg donor’s daughter constantly posted hateful comments and dragged others into their Facebook drama to create more conflicts. This is just how they operate, playing the victim in every situation, whether it’s a divorce, child support battle, murder case, ex-wives, ex-husbands, girlfriends to the ex-husband spreading horrible rumors saying she had VD, or even something as mundane as someone parking in a fire lane. The egg donor also caused trouble in various Facebook groups, the daughter has even been caught with marijuana in her car during a traffic stop. It seems like there is no end to the chaos and drama this family creates.

Screenshots show her daughter visiting my Facebook profile and then proceeding to my website. Notice recent page views and it also tells how long she was on my website. See they are always claiming that they never go to my Facebook or website but it shows their house on the map and gives the exact location of the person that done this. It also gives what type of phone like Android or iPhone. These tracers give the names of the people, and their addresses so you can’t get any better than this to prove a point. I have 2 of them that cost me $130 and it has been the best spent money to prove my point. 

These individuals believe that what they say about me has an impact when in reality, it doesn’t bother me at all. Their written words are known to be lies and I refuse to let them think they have the power to destroy me. These people themselves have skeletons hidden in their own closets, which is why they’ve made attempts to ruin my reputation for sharing false information. They try to project an image of wealth, but in truth, they struggle financially. The person in question receives social security benefits, holds a job, and has refinanced their house multiple times due to overspending issues, as told by the same individual. And yet, she blames me she had to cut off the money flow that was never given. This same person also did this with her previous husband, lying and saying she was helping me financially when really, she was overspending and refusing to take responsibility for it. She complains about her husband’s overspending habits, such as buying unnecessary items or opening credit cards without her permission. Her own bank account suffers from constant overdraft fees due to her & his reckless spending. And despite supporting her daughter and grandson, she still finds ways to spend money on frivolous things while blaming me for any of her financial struggles. Does any of this make sense?


I often wonder how things would have turned out if I had never fallen for her manipulations and opened that door. Life would have been peaceful, like it used to be, without her meddling in our business. I remembered something I read and will post the screenshot below of what the “egg donor” wrote. A long time ago, an old friend warned me not to confide in people because they tend to spread lies or use your secrets against you one day. Now, the screenshot below contradicts what the egg donor says. She has been keeping screenshots of our conversations since 2013 and has used them to attack us over the past year. She even says, “ANYONE who saves all the information they can get on you for YEARS… IS NOT TRUSTWORTHY… They have evil plans for you just wait and see…” But my reasoning for keeping records of what she’s done to me over the years was simply because I knew I would need proof of her actions towards me and my family. This is her tactic – using anything she can against you so she appears innocent. Sadly, this has always been her behavior as the “egg donor.” 

For years, I have attempted to mend things with this person, only to be met with threats, harassment, slander, and false information. She would even bully those who are no longer present, making cruel remarks about their passing. This behavior didn’t stop with me; she also targeted my children and grandchildren, she would send my kids emails in an attempt to make us look like the bad guys in the situation that she caused. Thankfully, my children were wise enough to see through her manipulations. It’s not every day that you come across a grandparent or biological relative who is this unhinged. I wonder how many others are dealing with similar situations involving a former family member? Sadly, it’s more common than people may realize in today’s society.

I will be posting more this week. I’ve discovered that keeping my posts short encourages readers to come back and finish reading them. It’s important to remember that this is my story, but everyone has the freedom to write about their own lives as well.