Laurali's Blog

On Going Issues Are Still Continuing

On Going Issues Are Still Continuing

Have you ever had family members who just love to attack, harass, bully, call you vulgar & animal names? I’m surely not the only one living this nightmare with these people. Like I said in my other post you have to go back and read where all this started to understand where I’m at with this whole situation. I was just telling my husband tonight I wish I could go back in time I would have NEVER opened my door to these people. I went 12 years and didn’t have anything to do with her of course we encountered her daughter and her a few times and had to have law enforcement 2 times at the flea market but that was handled. Fast forward from 2013 to the present, I always kept in the back of my mind what she has done to me over the years to not get close to her because she is like a poisonous snake she stricks with spreading lies about me and my family. My family has literally been slandered to no end. I want to explain a little something about my family to show my family has never had issues with law enforcement. I married my current husband in 1991 and my daughters were 1-2 years old so they were babies still. He raised my daughters as if they were his own children. We taught our children the right way to live and how you have to work to get through life if you ever want to have nice things in life. Our daughters graduated early from high school and went on to go to college and obtain degrees. Neither one of my daughters has ever been fired from a job they always have amazing references if they change jobs to become better than where they were. Both of our children own their homes, cars, and bills without our help. I have never had to raise my grandchildren because my daughters are awesome mothers to their children that is how they were raised with morals. 

At least every few days I get reminded by these Ex-family members of how much my deceased sister, stepfather, and grandparents would be so terribly mad at me for what I’m supposedly doing to them?! Now my sister Jaime loved her family but she had the same issues as I do now. But my sister tried to keep the family together even in the worst times. I never knocked her for trying but there are some people and things you just can’t change. But to post saying the horrible things she and her mother have done and turn around to post something religious is mentally not right. I believe my faith is stronger than theirs at this point because I know my sister (Jaime) and my (Grandparents) loved me and they can’t ever take that away from me but will have to answer to the Good Lord one day for the evil and wicked things they said. My sister lived in another state and would drive to my house and stay because she knew she was always welcome at my house. I have letters from her showing she loved me and photos of her and me. So the amount of hate being slung to try and hurt me won’t hurt me because I know in my heart my sister loved me 200%. As for my grandparents, they loved me very much they never came to South Carolina to visit because they didn’t like the birth mother’s husband who was my stepfather. But it never meant my grandparents didn’t love me. I went and stayed with my grandparents in Omaha, Nebraska for a little while my grandma had brain tumors and was paralyzed on the whole left side so she needed a lot of care. I went to school there and would help my grandpa with my grandma. There were times he would sleep through her yelling for him and I would get up and help her and talk to her. But the birth mother has a whole other story she tells people I was horrible and was out of control and all kinds of things. But I was a teenager going to school being up most of the night to help grandma because grandpa would go to sleep and he slept hard and would sleep through her yelling I couldn’t but that would make for me being a typical ill teenager with little sleep.  My grandparents I loved them dearly they would never judge me or hate me my faith in them is too strong to allow others to take that from me. 

I want to talk about why I don’t go to church. I literally as a child had it shoved down my throat and that was something I never did to my children I allowed them to have their own faith and if they wanted to go to church it was their choice. When you shove your own religious beliefs on your children it doesn’t always turn out good. When parents push religion on their children it confuses them to an extent one month you are Baptist the next month you are Methodist or they put you in a The Seventh-day Adventist Church was a Christian academy and you ask did I do good NO I was confused and everything including math, reading, and there were worshiping every month you had to learn the Christian pledge, they had their own flag you had to learn it also I was so screwed up with religion sometimes I didn’t know what was up or down with it. I was always told if I lied I would burn in the depths of HELL. All children tell little lies it is the process of growing up and learning right from wrong. Have you ever gone to a church where you literally were picked at and felt not welcomed? Well, the birth mother always tried to act like she was well-to-do in life and always wanted to be something she knew she would never be or have in life. She started going to a church in Florence, South Carolina where 99.9% of doctors, lawyers, and judges went to this church and we were considered middle class, not HIGH class.  When we would go to Sunday school the children were mean as HELL and would say horrible things they would talk about our clothing, shoes, hair whatever they could to degrade you they did. If that wasn’t bad enough the birth mother put me in a brownies group at that same church with the same horrible children to pick on me. So I was picked on repeatedly and it got worse because then the birth mother had my hair cut short like a boy so that really set it off I will never forget what I had to deal with. But we went to the church camp and many kids went to that that weren’t from that church and that was great no issues. 

My point on this is how can a person proclaim they are a Christian and living by the word of the Lord all while preaching pure hate towards others. I want to share some things because I have researched and come across the definition of what a Christian is and a few commandments. 

What qualifies as Christian?
A Christian is a person who follows or adheres to Christianity, a monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians form the largest religious community in the world. 
Despite the fact that smoking is a sin in the Christian faith. 

Therefore we do not become Christians / saved/born again as a result of our own works or personal merit but we become Christians by the grace of God through placing our faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26).

When we become Christians we must allow the Holy Spirit to gradually work in us and to change our lives, our thoughts, our desires, our goals so that our lives are more Christ-centred instead of being self-centered. Therefore Christ increases in our lives whilst we decrease (John 3:30).

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” This Commandment is recorded in Exodus 20:19 and Deuteronomy 5:20. It is typically understood as a command not to tell lies. Yet the power and rich meaning of this simple commandment reaches far beyond the simple admonition, to tell the truth.

It is forbidden to murder, as it says “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17)

Strength for Today- “And This Too Shall Pass” 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18.

It doesn’t matter how many times these ex-family members bash, threaten, and talk extremely vulgar to the point of referencing my sexual preference which is a straight heterosexual but referenced me as being Gay. I have never in my life seen such talk from someone who goes to church and is on Facebook all day posting horrible things. Do I address the posts yep I do because these same people have done this for years. I used to sit back and allow them to run over me and say things about me or go to people I knew were my friends and they would spread lies to them. The good thing about it is my friends who were true friends told me everything she would say about me, my husband, and my children. I thought I had learned my lesson not having anything to do with her for 12 years straight but that would be the ultimate lesson learned in 2023. The thing about it is my daughters and friends warned me several times that she was talking behind my back and doing things but I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and now I realize they all were right. When we first started talking I remembered all the things she has always done to hurt me and my family so that was always in the back of my mind not to get close because she is still the same person that was horrible to me in the past. I guarded my heart and feelings and since I stopped her in 2023 I never shed a tear nor a sleepless night why because my heart was protected and I always kept that mindset of how she was and I never allowed her to hurt me like she did in the past.  

I’m not sure how people sleep at night knowing the things they say and do to others. These same people have so many issues in their own lives that they create more to add to the already issue going on with her son being charged with murder and out on bond. My sister was murdered in 1999 by a jealous female and we all wanted justice for the victims that were my sister Jaime and her son were victims, but the family wasn’t a victim of the crime that was committed by the jealous woman. Everyone set through the trial and were hoping this woman would get a life because in my book when you take a life you should serve life. But that didn’t happen she got 14 years in prison for murdering my sister Jaime that wasn’t good enough but we couldn’t change it. Well, exactly 23 years later my sister Jaime’s nephew murdered a young man and is waiting to go to trial. Now the shoe is on the other foot and they are playing victim to him murdering the young man. But 23 years earlier you wanted the person who took your child’s life locked away forever but you want your grandson to not serve any time for what he did. I hate to tell you wrong is wrong he knew what he was doing and didn’t care he was reckless and out of control and you even said it yourself in several text messages with all the things you would say about him. But I have to say the shoe finally being on the other foot has to make you feel weird. 

I also want to address something I have always done and truly have made a BIG MISTAKE by defending myself to people who don’t deserve answers. I have always explained myself and I shouldn’t ever have to do that no matter what. I’m 54 years old and have had every mistake, and flaws, stating wish I had never been born and so much more. Why would any person ever say that to anyone? But it’s all good because with all the hurtful and nasty things that they have said they don’t have to ever answer to me, they have someone else to answer to and they will be judged. At this point, with the awful vulgar things that they continue to post, I will keep all screenshots and screen recordings. One day these people will definitely pay a price for the damages they have caused to others. I consider myself 200% better than these people so what if I don’t go to church that doesn’t make me less of a Christian as they continue to say. Millions of people watch church services online but these same people want to put others down because they don’t know their lives like they think they do. But again why should I explain my life to people that preach hate every day on social media. What I won’t be doing anymore is posting the screenshots on my Facebook account they will be here because the things that are posted are against Facebook’s community standards there is a post I made about that a couple months ago. 

You can’t win arguments with a narcissist let them live in their fantasy world of make-believe.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog