Laurali's Blog

When The Trolling & Fake Facebook Pages Continue With The Birth Mother & Her Daughter From HELL!

When The Trolling & Fake Facebook Pages Continue With The Birth Mother & Her Daughter From HELL!

Hello everyone who is reading my blog from all over the world thank you for visiting. Last night I posted a blog post and sure enough the birth mother & her daughter hit my website at 10:13 am this morning right before Church imagine that. What is funny is this is the very same people screaming that we are bothering them and trolling them but it looks like they are doing the very same thing only here on my blog post it shows where everyone is coming from and what pages you land on and exist from.  These same people love playing victim to others and crying people trying to make it look like you are living the holiness life when in fact you aren’t we all know it because if you were trying to live the Christian life you wouldn’t even bother with looking and creating multiple fake Facebook accounts to see what is being said. Like I have said in almost all my posts this is a pattern of the birth mother & her daughter they use others for what they can get out of them and dump them when they can’t get anything else they need. The birth mother her pattern goes WAY BACK so she learned to be a pro at getting what she wanted from others, her ex-husband’s and current husband. One example she had told me all my life was about Robert Miller a navy guy she married and he was going to hide her and me on the navy ship until we got to Germany but I think he had second thoughts about it because it never happened and that marriage was annulled. But she will tell a different story now about that because she doesn’t want her past to be told but oh well. Before she comes with that was her ex-husband Jimmy try again the back of the photo says Robert Miller. 

I also want to share all the Fake Facebook accounts that have been trolling and liking my posts. The funny thing about these accounts is they were created this Month (Jan 2024) SMH! I’m going to put the screenshots below this post so everyone can see what we deal with out of these clowns.

If they truly want to know what I say continue coming here it will all be laid out for everyone to read publicly. At this point I have nothing to hide I have shared how I was sexually abused by the birth mother’s ex-husband for years during their marriage, I was abused physically, mentally, and emotionally by him and she allowed it happen and did nothing. So I think I have been very vulnerable posting what has happened to me as a child. Why would someone post something false like this? Because it wasn’t I have medical records showing and I have the step-father that owned what he did to me as a child. But if you were to hear that part from the birth mother & her daughter they would claim it never happened but it did very much so happen. You know you hear people say they have been raped and what they go through mentally, physically, and emotionally but will be victim-shamed for telling the truth well that is how I have ALWAYS FELT! If my child had come to me saying that this was happening OH HELL NO someone was going to JAIL PERIOD! But the birth mother was worried more about losing her income that my step-father brought in which was more important than her child.  The video was taken of me in the shower when I was 4 years old by the stepfather all while the birth mother was smiling and laughing while her boyfriend was videoing her young unclothed daughter. There were other videos that I have but definitely show how this led up to him sexually abusing me my whole childhood! Both of these two should have never been allowed to have children period! But the birth mother will make excuses and I can see those coming a mile away but no amount of excuses change what happened to me as a child! The stepfather went on to try and sexually abuse my sister Jaime she talked about it with me and cried with me something that could have been stopped by the birth mother but wasn’t then either. I refuse to remain silent!


I have often wondered how she sleeps at night knowing what she allowed to happen to me and my sister Jaime. As a mother of two daughters, I wouldn’t ever allow a man to harm my children PERIOD! I guess that is the difference between the birth mother and myself I’m a better person any day than she was.  As I was writing this post someone sent me screenshots of what the birth mother said about me and cut me out of the photos with my brother who passed away. I want to share these screenshots of what she said about me trolling but explain why you come to my blog??? It’s the pettiness she pulls but what can one expect when she has NEVER BEEN A TRUE MOTHER TO ANY OF HER 4 CHILDREN the only ones that she has cared anything about is that child she called her RAPE BABY! Now she hasn’t done anything for my children or my sister’s son who is grown now but she still doesn’t have anything to do with any of her other grandchildren or great-grandchildren because the younger daughter’s children were #1! How does a MOTHER pick which child is better than the other one or which grandchild gets attention from a grandmother???? My grandchildren never have to feel like they don’t have my attention because I treat them equally and I don’t favor them! 

Now I want to address this clown of a birth mother you claim you never brought up all the intentionally mean things done to you over the years??? Here goes the LIES I can hear their voices screaming LMAO! First of all what I have done to you intentionally over the years??!! Do you really want me to post all these emails of the threats you made over the years I have them too I miswell share them. You mean all the times I was forced to watch your daughter from hell. Do you mean all the times you told me to make sure her homework was done and she had a bath before you got home at MY HOUSE? You mean all the running I used to do for you? Do you mean the silver you gave away because you and your husband had silver melted down? The few pieces that YOU gave my daughter you said you didn’t want because they weren’t worth anything! The grandson (Abel) that I have the email that you threatened to run with him? I had custody of him NOT YOU and it was my job to protect him from your craziness! You mean the lawyer that had been my lawyer that called me and threatened me that lawyer??? Yeah, it didn’t work out for you because, in the state of S.C., there are no grandparent’s rights! Your lawyers know what you told them and the lies were as thick as the shit your standing in! Here you go again with the DAMN LIES y’all gave of yourselves out of your own pockets and a lot of CASH WTH are you even talking about seriously! I’m fixing to really blast you about this WHOLE BS LIE ON CASH!  Let’s see all that cash that you and your husband spent in many casinos, trips, trucks, corvette clocks, credit cards, and many buildings I could go on but she gets the point! I will post in the next blog showing the exact same wording about cash and all the money she is supposedly given its a pattern with her to make others feel sorry for her because she supposedly had some ungrateful adult child that used her and caused her all this DAMN PAIN like really that victim card is played the HELL OUT with me! You didn’t expect to think we would think you were the good guys now, did you? NOT! As far as you stating about my little friend no different than you having your little friend stop with the games of saying it is a THREAT because I am legal to have one unlike your daughter who isn’t supposed to be around weapons because she has already been committed a few times and the state law says they can’t be around in the house which she is so there is that! I don’t want to know the GOD you know because it’s SATAN! Just like the Bible states that satan can be in all forms well you are one of those forms! The GOD I know isn’t what you are saying or doing and you would be the very last person I would EVER take advice on religion from!  And as for reading my Bible, I do thank you and it’s not the one you gave so there is no EVIL attached. The other thing Jason was older than Jaime so no way she was his older sister do you know you told a BIG LIE and the Good LORD doesn’t like you lying!  Let me say something else to the birth mother since you continue with this so-called trolling post on Facebook well miss know it all I have a large following on my blog and if I post they have the choice of reading it or not! I don’t force my readers to think it is all about me I’m proving a point about how the birth mother & her daughter are and she doesn’t like it OH WELL! No life you say hmm so you know what goes on in my life now? My blog is a side job and I have a full-time job and family so tell me again how do I inflict things on you? I think you do a fine job at it yourself without any help. I will say I don’t have NO INSECURITIES pretty solid in my life happy with who I am! Sounds like the birth mother was trying to shift her insecurities on me it doesn’t work that way, sweetheart!   I have read several posts about you stating about the black hearts & Lies let me get something straight with you my family nor I are LOST just because you have a make-believe mindset about me and my family.  The funny thing about it is you have continued to make statements that I wasn’t going to get into HEAVEN repeatedly now I want to ask you are you the “LORD JESUS CHRIST”? No, you aren’t! Are you one of GOD’S followers no you are not!  Has the Good LORD told you I wasn’t going to HEAVEN no he hasn’t! Stop with the BS about HEAVEN because like I said you are the last person on earth I would EVER LISTEN to your fake preaching and front you put on for your church because we all know you very well!


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