Laurali's Blog

To The Karen Mother Whom I Couldn’t Care Less About What She Thinks Of Me!

To The Karen Mother Whom I Couldn’t Care Less About What She Thinks Of Me!

To the Karen mother who constantly tries to slander me, I couldn’t care less about your opinion. Today, you decided to visit my Facebook and troll me. How do I know? Well, you went onto my blog post from my Facebook page and then posted about it. You claimed to expect backlash when you first posted since I apparently troll you all the time…but isn’t this a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Then you started playing the victim, saying that I have “bad-mouthed, cussed, badgered, threatened and demoralized” you. But let’s get some facts straight: when was I threatening or cursing at you? When did I badger or demoralize you? The only thing that bothered you was when I exposed your lies and dirty laundry. And now you’re trying to turn the tables and say that I’m lying about my own birth? Please spare me the BS. You have known all along that my name was changed without my knowledge when I was 8 months old, and yet you lied to the government about it. This should be a criminal offense I will be looking into it further. Even with my marriages, you had to be present because there were issues with my social security card due to your lies. There are even two biological fathers listed on my social security- something that is not even possible- and yet you refuse to tell the truth. Spare me your claims of being harassed and trolled when you can’t even tell the truth. I am more than happy to share documentation on my blog, with sensitive information redacted, to prove that everything I am saying is true. Sue me for exposing your lies and telling the truth. Lastly, don’t try to play the sympathy card by mentioning those who have passed away; there are still people alive who can attest to your deception and betrayal towards our family.

You clearly have no knowledge about my father’s side of the family. I do have some relatives that I speak to, despite what you may think. Thank you for your false assumptions, Miss Know-It-All who actually knows nothing. I didn’t mention it before, but I have been in contact with a few family members, although I kept it secret from you because I believed you were the reason my father became nervous. He warned me and my husband Wayne about your actions and told us some terrible stories about you. And he wasn’t the only one; others have cautioned me over the years to stay away from you because of your reputation and how you treat people. You have left a trail of destruction and caused people to dislike you for your behavior. So please don’t try to deny it or make excuses; I could easily provide evidence to support these claims. Screenshots of a few facebook posts. I will be writing another blog post tomorrow addressing the other post she made. She screenshot my daughter’s Facebook comments from Jan. 2024 but nah she isn’t trolling not even a tiny bit!

Karen retorted, “So here we go with your ‘air ideas’, trying to do as much harm as possible.” I couldn’t help but laugh at her words. Karen, none of what I have shared is a lie; everything comes from the truth. It’s clear that you are in denial about everything, but that’s nothing new for you. You’re the one who fabricates lies out of thin air, not me. You’ve told so many falsehoods that you’re becoming entangled in them like a spider’s web. Do you even pay attention to what you write? As you admitted in the comments on Karen #2, you were on my Facebook page- and now there’s proof of it along with the tracer on my page and website. Nice try reporting it, but it didn’t work because I never mentioned any names of the Cult. There’s nothing you can do about it now. We all get a good laugh out of your predictable behavior, and how you always manage to incriminate yourself. It doesn’t bother me at all when you laugh; there’s nothing you can say or do to affect me. As I said before, I kept my guard up with you because I knew you were up to no good, which is why I documented everything to have proof. Another thing Karen said was, “I will never wish her harm, but I do wish she were someone else’s child and not my problem.” Well, that problem was solved when you allowed the murder to happen and didn’t call the cops. At that point I stopped going to your house- that night where you clearly called me and knew what had occurred. That was when I made the decision to never return to your house again. And don’t worry, I am currently in the process of removing your name from my birth certificate. Additionally, when my father passed away, you flat-out told me to go after his estate as if I were entitled to it. But you ruined any chance of that happening when you ran away with me and never allowed him to see me. It’s ironic how when Jimmy died, you swore that Karen #2 was in his will, but she wasn’t- I have a copy to prove it. Remember how you also told me to go after the money from his estate and create issues just to get money that I had no right to? Who is the one hungry for money here? Certainly not me. So, Karen, it’s clear that you have wished harm upon me, but I couldn’t care less. I’m not afraid of anyone because, at the end of the day, the truth prevails.

In response to Karen’s hateful words, she claims that anyone who holds so much hate is in danger of losing their spot in Heaven. Despite this, Karen claims to forgive and loves her from a distance, asking for prayers. However, Karen, you are one of the many forms the devil takes, judging and shaming them for things they haven’t even done. See this is where I believe that only those in cults would push such judgment onto others about their eternal fate. They confidently state that they will be in Heaven, having done nothing compared to Karen’s sins. Even a preacher has told me that Karen’s actions are false and based on false judgment toward her neighbor. I hope on judgment day, it will be revealed that Karen was wrong and took pleasure in repeatedly victim-shaming me for years. I also mention doing a DNA test to see if I was taken at birth, but have no love or affection left for Karen as she is their “so-called mother.” I hold no regrets about cutting off any relationship with Karen and will never utter words like “I miss you,” “I pray for you,” or “I love you” ever again.

I want to address Karen’s false claim that she cut 2 acres of my yard. That is completely untrue. There was only a small section that I didn’t get to because our riding mower had stopped working. It was towards the edge of my property and I never asked for her help, but she showed up with her husband’s mower. I can check my Ring and Arlo cameras to prove that she is lying. If she got sunburned or hurt while helping, that was her own decision – no one requested her assistance. As far as I remember, she offered to help because her husband had a new mower. But it doesn’t bother me, I don’t fuss over small things like she does. Then Karen says, “Karen’s husband and friends who have known her for years have talked about how Karen should never have helped her so much because she saw it as Karen’s responsibility when it wasn’t.” Let me make this clear to Karen: the only time anyone has ever touched my yard was when you cut a small section of grass. Your husband has been here twice – once to cover a hole (photos below) and the second time to dig a trench for PVC pipe. Not to mention the damage he did to my ramps because he had no business using a tractor. Even the men in the yard that day said he shouldn’t be using it, but I ended up having to use my truck to pull him out of the hole. So, Karen, you have never been asked to do anything for me. You lie constantly and it’s sickening! And now you’re saying, “God, please forgive her and those she’s pulled into this ring of hate…” First of all, shouldn’t YOU be asking for forgiveness? You use God and prayers in every post, yet you preach hate and spread lies. How do you sleep at night? No one is in a “ring of hate” like you claim – that’s just something people in Karen’s circle talk about. Keep that nonsense away from me. I have plenty of friends and family who can vouch for me not being a hateful person, and they have seen all the screenshots of your hate and Karen #2’s as well. So spare me the BS about forgiveness. Take a good look in the mirror and see who you really are. You are always posting hateful things towards me and my children. You go to church and come out like the devil, just like Karen #2. That’s why I can’t stand hypocrites like you. Karen #2 posts about drug use, while Karen #1 posts screenshots of my Facebook and website daily, spreading more lies. If you were a true Christian, you would turn away from hate and follow what the Bible truly says.

I couldn’t care less about your opinion of me. Hate me all you want; it doesn’t affect my happiness. I love the person I am and that’s all that matters. It feels liberating to finally speak my truth after being silenced and threatened for years. I refuse to hide or sugarcoat anything – I am a strong, independent woman who won’t tolerate any disrespect from anyone.


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