Laurali's Blog

The Christmas That Almost Never Was Book, Just in Time for the Holidays

The Christmas That Almost Never Was Book, Just in Time for the Holidays2

What is Christmas without gifts?! How would you keep children in high spirit without Santa’s presence?! How do you explain to the kids that Santa cannot bring gifts because his reindeer is down with the flu? Kids will ask “Can’t Santa fly?!” “Does he not have a helicopter?” You can imagine several questions kids would ask because it is Christmas, and they must get some gifts from Santa. A Christmas without Santa is boring. And a Christmas without presents means no fun, and you would have to try hard to ensure that Santa comes around by hook or by crook. That was the story of Santaville that was struck by a horrendous and devastating blizzard.

“The Christmas That Almost Never Was” is a children’s book written by Stanley Wiklinski and beautifully illustrated by Gary A. Lippincott. As the debut children’s book by Wiklinski, it is the perfect gift you can give children for Christmas. It is a book both adults and children will enjoy reading during the holidays.

Wiklinski writes to “encourage children to dream. To dream is hope. Nothing ever becomes a reality without being first a dream.” And nothing can compare to the power of dreams because they bundled with “love, laughter, imagination, and the strength we need to go in hard times.”

Although ‘The Christmas That Almost Never Was’ is written for children, it is also meant to be enjoyed by their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and anyone who want to delight in a child’s imagination.

It is a children’s Christmas story that captures the experience, hope, and efforts of Santa in delivering gifts to children in Santaville having become grounded due to his reindeer that cannot make the Christmas Eve ride having come down with flu. However, he finds a group of young Polar bears that can leap high in the air and with the help and the encouragement of the villagers of Santaville and the ailing reindeer, the Polar bears fly; thus, saving Christmas and helping Santa to keep his promise.

What Makes ‘The Christmas That Almost Never Was’ A Good Buy?

If you are looking for the perfect gift to buy for your children or family friend’s kids for the holidays, ‘The Christmas That Almost Never Was’ is the best gift you should get for the following reasons:

1. It is a creative work and wonderful story, well-written and packaged to pass the simple message of the importance of “dreams” and “willpower” to getting things done.

2. It is well-illustrated with pictures that help to engage the imagination power of the readers and make them feel they are in Santaville.

3. It uses the characters that children love to watch, hear, or read about- animals.

4. It teaches life’s lessons and encourages children never to give up.

The holidays are here, and Christmas is around the corners, buy ‘The Christmas That Almost Never Was’ book and set the mood for the best period of the year. Let Stanley Wiklinski take you and your children through the experience and lessons from Santa in Santaville.

This book can be bought at Barnes & Noble click HERE!


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