Laurali's Blog

The Birth Mother & Her Mental Case Daughter

The Birth Mother & Her Mental Case Daughter

I continue to mention the birth mother and her daughter because they are still actively posting on Facebook and visiting my website. It would be unfair for me to stay silent while they continue to take jabs at me and my family with memes. These people claim they have never done anything wrong like to act like they’re perfect, but I refuse to let them silence me. Angel, the birth mother’s daughter, often posts things directed at me and my family. Have you ever noticed how people start talking about death and forgotten loved ones when they’ve been cut out of someone’s life? It’s no different with Angel. She may try to seem righteous by asking God for forgiveness at the end of her posts, but none of us are free from sin. Some people wonder if I miss my birth mother, but honestly, I don’t. How can I miss someone I never had a real relationship with? When she passes away, I won’t feel any different than if a stranger on the street passed away – that’s the level of connection we had. And it’s all because of the hurtful comments and accusations she made towards me and my family. That’s why some may call me a cold-hearted bitch, but unless you’ve experienced what I have with my birth mother, keep your opinions to yourself. My feelings towards her are no different than those towards a stranger whom I know nothing about or care for. It takes a lot for someone to make me feel this way, but unfortunately, that’s where we are now.

Being used repeatedly can make you numb towards those who use you. You learn not to have any emotions towards them. I have never taken advantage of others for my own gain. Whenever someone has helped me, whether it was moving to a new home or digging a hole, I have always paid them back. In fact, when everyone helped us move in 2020, I treated them all to dinner as a gesture of gratitude. It’s funny because these same people would often come to my house and beg for free products that I did reviews on, ranging from beauty items to medical devices to electronics. This behavior has been discussed in some of my other blog posts regarding the birth mother, her husband, and her daughter. The irony is that they would boast about giving us things, but in reality, 99.9% of those items were unwanted and unneeded. Even when we politely declined an item, the birth mother would insist on donating it or throwing it away. She even gave my grandchildren things she found at the trash dump – no joke! Yet she wouldn’t do the same for her daughter and grandson; they always received new and top-of-the-line items while my family got rejected trash dump finds from where she works. Only a despicable person would treat my family like this, and I will never forgive her for it. Once someone mistreats my family, the game is over.

Kershaw man arrested for murder through multi-agency investigation

This past week, I received some screenshots that were sent to me by the birth mother and her daughter. They have been constantly posting insults and attacks, so I decided to share them on my blog instead of my Facebook page. What baffles me is that they are harboring a criminal who is out on bond, yet they continue to harass us and keep track of what I am blogging about. Tonight, I will give them something new to read by sharing this link along with his mugshot. It’s important for people to know the truth, and I have no reason to lie about this issue. But it seems hypocritical that while they are trying to criticize me, they are ignoring the fact that there is a murderer living in their own home. This person was in trouble before and involved with gang members, and now he has murdered the leader of that gang. And yet, he is suddenly going to church? It doesn’t make sense to me. This all happened in December 2022, and he was released on bond in September 2023, but now everyone in that household is suddenly devoutly religious? It seems like an attempt to make him look like a good person despite his actions. But here’s where it gets even more unsettling – the birth mother used to drive a dump truck and would be away from home until late at night while leaving her grandson under the care of someone who shouldn’t have been allowed near him. This woman subjected him to all sorts of things, according to the birth mother herself. The birth mother’s daughter is actually the mother of the grandson because his biological mother was deemed unfit by both the hospital and the birth mother herself, who told me that they even tried to sell the newborn child to another couple due to her daughter’s unfitness as a parent. There was an incident when he was just a baby where someone who stayed at their house witnessed the daughter trying to force him to breastfeed when he was supposed to be on formula, resulting in him being rushed to the hospital. I have heard so many disturbing stories from various people about this family. And yet, they try to portray themselves as perfect and happy while their grandson has taken a human life. It’s unbelievable that they can simply ignore this fact. What’s even more crazy, this same birth mother had two adult children who were murdered, and she wanted their killers to spend their lives in prison. How is it okay for her own grandchild to be free awaiting trial or facing a judge and jury for his crime?

I need to address the birth mother’s false accusations against me for selling things. She has accused me of stealing and selling items that she brought to my house and told us to either get rid of them or sell them I’m going to go through my text messages where the birth mother said it in the message about getting rid of the fake silver. But her recent Facebook post filled with lies truly angered me. Specifically, her claims about silver that she believes I sold but in reality, my daughter has kept them in a bag thrown into a drawer because the birth mother refused to take them back. Why didn’t she want them? Because she knew they weren’t valuable, and she had already melted down the valuable pieces with her husband before this issue even arose. My daughter should just destroy them because they’re only taking up space. It frustrates me how the birth mother tries to portray me as a criminal when I have never stolen from anyone or been in jail for any crimes like theft, murder, or child abuse. She is heavily medicated and drinks excessively which I believe has damaged her brain cells.  Because I can easily show evidence of her admitting to drinking while on medication multiple times due to “nightmares” about the boy’s death on her property which she did nothing about. If anyone has mental health issues, it is definitely the birth mother who should be in jail herself. Keep talking and spreading lies, but remember that you are worse off than I will ever be. You live a lie every day by not telling the truth and hiding your guilt. How does it feel to be a fake Christian? How does it feel to deceive your preacher? How does it feel to go out in public knowing you have a murder connection? The birth mother’s worthless daughter cannot hold down a job and they deserve all the pain caused by their actions. Your feelings mean nothing to me; what matters is the harm you’ve caused my children, grandchildren, and myself. You have ruined your last chance to be involved in my life and you’ve broken your promise to not do anything harmful again. I should have known better than to trust a compulsive liar like you. You never tell the truth anymore, just like with your grandson’s case. I hope he is found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison; he deserves it more than anyone else.


I will conclude this for now, but on Thursday I will return with screenshots of what the birth mother said in her messages. We will then determine who is telling the truth.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog