Laurali's Blog

Some Information On Karen #1 & Karen #2 That Shows I Haven’t Lied

Some Information On Karen #1 & Karen #2 That Shows I Haven’t Lied


I came across some interesting posts on Facebook regarding Karen #1 and Karen #2. People can post some pretty personal things about others on social media. Recently, Karen #1 accused me of lying when I talked about this situation in a previous blog post. However, I still have the text messages where she shared a video with me of her husband and daughter. Just last year, I stumbled upon some revealing posts from Karen #2’s husband, who had a lot to say about both Karens. I’ve censored his name and some inappropriate language, but his words are quite detailed.

Karen #2’s husband was very vocal about his dislike for them and provided detailed examples to backup his claims. I was taken aback when I stumbled upon posts that supported my views on them. Karen #2 seems to have a habit of creating multiple Facebook accounts, similar to the multiple personalities she claims to have. These individuals claim to be devout Christians, yet Karen #2 regularly posts about things like drug use, violence, and making fun of others. True Christians do not engage in such behavior, yet these hypocrites continue to display their sins publicly. This is why I choose not to attend church; it’s filled with too many fake believers who think they can hide their true selves behind the facade of piety. As a preacher once told me, one does not need to physically attend church to worship the Lord; I prefer to listen online from another country where people are not so quick to judge and condemn others. It’s a problem unique to Americans, this blind adherence to whatever the preacher says without questioning. I’ve found that most preachers here in the USA are nothing more than con artists using the guise of religion to enrich themselves through offerings and donations. And sadly, many of them partake in sinful behaviors online and in their personal lives. So no, I do not trust or believe in American preachers; they are all liars, cheaters, gamblers, and are guilty of various other sins.



I wanted to take a moment to clarify why I chose to share these Facebook posts. My intention is to show that these two individuals, whom I refer to as “Karens”, are not kind or pleasant people. I apologize for the brevity of this post; my schedule has been hectic lately. However, I will continue to share more posts on Friday evening as time allows. Hopefully, my reasoning for sharing these with the world is now clear.


Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog