Laurali's Blog



Orange Strawberry:

The orange strawberry shot has over 500mg of Vitamin C. The shot combines having great power of citrus and antioxidant that is rich berries that support the immune system. The orange strawberry shot tastes just like fresh orange juice with strawberries.

Turmeric Orange Ginger Black Pepper:

Turmeric Orange Ginger Black Pepper shot has over 700mg of Turmeric with a touch of ginger. This helps with the immune system and helps fight inflammation, which is something I battle with every day, so I look forward to this helping me.  The fresh orange and is spiced with Turmeric, ginger and black pepper. Now if you are looking for something that has a bit of a punch of spice then this is certainly the shot for you.

Ginger Lemon Cayenne Pepper:

Ginger Lemon Cayenne Pepper shot has over 500mg of Vitamin C and over 1,000mg of dried organic ginger. This shot helps with supporting your immune system and helps with the digestion system. This shot contains bright lemon, spicy ginger with hot cayenne pepper. I like this because it helps clear your sinuses and it helps bring a powerful warmth to your throat and stomach. With this shot its tart and spicy, with a lot of heat that follows. So, if you’re a person who doesn’t like spicy then you aren’t going to want to try this one. But if your one who likes spicy shots then this one will work for you.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog & Reviews.