Laurali's Blog

Quest Protein Bars, Shake And Cookie Really Have Helped Me to Stay on My Keto Diet

Quest Protein Bars, Shake And Cookie Really Have Helped Me to Stay on My Keto Diet 

What Is a Keto Diet?
Keto diet is an extremely low-carb (low carbohydrate) diet that enhances the body to burn fat effectively. The Ketogenic diet enables the body to make small fuel molecules referred to as “ketones.” The diet comprises a high content of fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate. It has been proven to be highly beneficial for weight loss, health, and performance. 

The Production of Ketones (Ketosis)
Keto diet aims to create an alternative source of energy for the body when the glucose (blood sugar) has been exhausted. Ketones can be produced only when a few carbs that can be quickly broken down into blood sugar and just a moderate amount of protein is eaten. The production of ketones takes place in the liver from fat. Ketones serve as fuel for the body for metabolism.
Food that meets the requirement of the Keto diet should comprise not more than 60-75% fat, 15-30% Protein, and 5-10% Carbohydrate. This is to ensure that the carbs get used up as early as possible to allow the production of ketones to start. As soon as the insulin levels in the body get low, the body begins to burn the fat.

Benefits of a Keto Diet
Keto diet is effective for the following:
1. weight loss without fasting
2. less hunger
3. steady supply of energy
4. helping to stay alert and focused

Quest Protein Bars, Shakes and Cookies That Have Helped Me to Stay on My Keto Diet
The following protein bars, shake, and cookies have helped me to stay on my Keto diet:
1. Birthday Cake Quest Bar – 10% Carbs, 52.5% Protein, 35% Fiber, and 2.5% Sugar
2. Peanut Butter Brownie Smash – 14% Carbs, 47.6% Protein, 33% Fiber, and 4.7% Sugar
3. S’mores – 10% Carbs, 52.5% Protein, 35% Fiber, and 2.5% Sugar

4. Apple Pie – 13% Carbs, 43.5% Protein, 34.8% Fiber, and 8.7% Sugar
5. Strawberry Cheesecake – 12% Carbs, 48% Protein, 35% Fiber, and 5% Sugar
6. Cinnamon Crunch Protein Powder – 4% Carbs, 87% Protein, 9% Fiber, and 0% Sugar
7. Vanilla Caramel – 9% Carbs, 38% Protein, 24% Fiber, and 29% Sugar
8. Vanilla Almond Crunch – 10% Carbs, 50% Protein, 38% Fiber, and 2% Sugar
9. Peanut Butter Cookie – 14% Carbs, 52% Protein, 31% Fiber, and 3% Sugar

The Quest bars, shake, and cookies above are in line with the provision of a Keto diet, and they have helped me to stay on the diet without having to fast or starve. My energy levels have not diminished, and my focus and alertness are not affected either. You can pick any of them to and remain on Keto diet for as long as possible. Quest has such a large selection of products to pick from. The awesome thing is you can stay on your Keto diet and have a snack. You ask where can you get some of Quest protein products click HERE. Also, make sure to follow Quest social media below.

I received the items in this post as complementary to share my honest and unbiased opinion of products (unless otherwise stated). All opinions expressed on this page are those solely of Laurali’s Blog & Reviews. Thank you for your interest!