Laurali's Blog

Hiding Behind the Cross

Hiding Behind the Cross


I want to talk about people who use churches as a facade for their true intentions. As a child, I was forced to attend a Christian school where religion was drilled into me from a young age. While church can be a positive experience and teach important lessons about faith, it can also push children away when it is forced upon them. Karen #1 regularly switched between various churches, from the Florence Baptist Temple to the United Methodist Church in Florence, SC where the upper class attended. This was a turning point for me as I was constantly looked down upon by my peers and made fun of for my appearance and social status. Even when we attended my stepfather’s mother’s country church, we were outsiders among the tight-knit community of families who had grown up together. It was confusing growing up with such mixed messages about religion from Karen, who would switch between Catholicism, Methodism, Baptism, and Adventism. As an adult with children of my own, I gave them the freedom to choose their own religious beliefs instead of forcing it upon them like Karen did to me. It’s important to stick with one church and not confuse children by introducing multiple religions at once.

Every year, I was the only one of my siblings who received a Bible. It may seem like a small thing, but it’s ironic because Karen was the one who truly needed those Bibles in her life. She lived a sinful existence, marrying and divorcing multiple times. First, she married my father, then my brother’s father, followed by Robert Miller. This last marriage was to help her travel illegally on a Navy ship to Germany, but it was later annulled. After that, she met my stepfather while he was stationed in Colorado and followed him to South Carolina where they got married. However, they eventually divorced due to his alcoholism. Karen then married another man for his wealth but he ended up leaving Karen for someone who truly cared about him. In court, she tried to push boundaries and take his house but lost since it was in his father’s name. She had to move out and leave behind a destructive mess. Later on, she moved to Spartanburg, S.C. with another man “B” and they had a house built but ended up selling her house that was in both their names. But that relationship didn’t work out either due to supposed issues with his temper and lack of compatibility with her daughter. She then moved down the road to a new house that she was renting.  Then she decided to leave that house and get married yet to another man whom she claimed she had known for years. But I can’t help but think that maybe instead of trying to impose her Christian beliefs onto others, Karen should have focused on following them herself first.

I have a question: how can someone who goes to church only on Sundays and Wednesdays act like a Christian, yet during the rest of the week they’re fine with cussing, making threats, and sharing other people’s private medical information? To me, that doesn’t make you a true Christian at all. I highly doubt you even read your Bible, because if you did, you wouldn’t be spreading hate towards others. Instead, you would follow what the Bible says and turn the other cheek. But that’s not something you seem capable of, as you always have to have the last word and attack members of my family. That’s why I will never stop exposing all the terrible things you’ve done to my family. You try to paint me as a bad person because of what I write on my blog, but everything I post is true. I’m still confused about how you can call yourself a Christian while lying to the church. Does this church condone deceitful behavior? Do they allow members to post swear words and promote drug use on Facebook? Most genuine Christians and churches I know would never do that. The difference between me and you is that I’m not pretending to be a good Christian. Do I believe in God? Absolutely! Do I believe I’m going to heaven? Without a doubt! And guess what – I don’t need to attend a physical church to get there. I watch online sermons from another country, and one preacher actually said that judging others is wrong and it’s not our place as Christians to do so.

My intense dislike for you has only grown over the years. Your actions towards me and my family have reminded me of all the wrongs you’ve done to me throughout my life. I will never open the door to you again. It’s disheartening to see how much better other mothers treat their children, while you neglected and mistreated me and my family. But, there was one special lady who stepped in and showed me the love and guidance that you never bothered to provide. She taught me valuable skills and lessons that have stayed with me, even now as an adult.  I specifically remember asking you to teach me how to crochet, but you always had excuses and never made time for me, Jaime, or Jason. Yet, somehow you found the time for Karen #2 and her children. That’s not what being a parent is about. Real parents want to be involved in their children’s lives, unlike you. You claimed your job kept you too busy, but in reality, it was just an excuse to avoid being a full-time parent. I’m grateful that I was able to devote myself fully to my daughters and nephew without any distractions. And despite what you may think, my choice to be a stay-at-home mom was fully supported by my husband, who wanted our children to have a loving caregiver at home. Yet, Karen #1 has constantly criticized me for not having a job, even though my husband worked full-time and took care of our bills.  But perhaps Karen #1 was just envious because I had a husband who loved and supported me, something she clearly lacked as all her husbands hated her.”

I’ve attached screenshots of Karen #2’s constant use of profanity, just so people understand that these individuals are not true Christians. This is proof right here. Also, I noticed there’s a hearing scheduled for March 12th for the murderer; this information is easily accessible to anyone online. I can’t wait to see him finally receive the punishment he deserves for taking a life. Weren’t you, Karen #1, the one who wanted Paula put away for LIFE for taking your daughter’s life? Didn’t you say that if someone murders another person, they should never be able to get out of jail? How is this situation any different? Oh, that’s right, you think he’s a “golden child” and was a victim. Well, in my opinion, when someone takes another person’s life, they should receive LIFE without parole. The laws are too lenient on these delinquent kids who walk around with guns because their parents allow it. And you even let him drink underage, carry a gun illegally, and smoke weed while underage! When we brought up our concerns about you allowing him to do all this, you nonchalantly said it’s okay as long as he does it at home! What kind of responsible parent says that? You’re a terrible parent, plain and simple! You shouldn’t have been allowed to have children in the first place since all you’ve ever done is ruin their lives and make empty promises to my brother Jason and sister Jaime. But one day, you’ll have to answer for all the horrible things you’ve allowed or done to each of your children.

I will post more Tuesday because I’m pretty sure their will be plenty to talk about.

Disclaimer: I was not compensated for this post. However, I received a free product(s) in exchange for my honest review.  All opinions expressed in my blog or review are 100% of Laurali’s Blog